Friday, June 15, 2018

Lacking Vision. 6/15/18

Life is like walking blind into a room where Boop has been playing. Every other step can be painful, and you really don't know what anything is until you've broken it--unless it's Legos or Qixels. You just hope to goodness that no one is watching. 

So, I've grown weary of pleading, yelling, threatening to get rid of her toys, and taking away TV to get Boop to clean up her messes. I do not love how she cajoles me into "helping" her and then goes and starts playing with another toy. Putting her favorite toys in a garbage bag and keeping them, only to let the Easter bunny return them a few weeks later, had very little effect. Now, I'm going in with surgical precision. I'm removing the toys that I'm tired of, that she's not interest in until I tell her that we should let them go. I quietly took about 4 puzzles this morning, and of course, she didn't notice. Is it mean to feel self-satisfied?

Friday, June 1, 2018

Thunderstorms. 6-1-2018

Boop and I thought we were going to make it to an outdoor concert tonight, but alas, the storms were pretty bad. We had to turn around. I wasn't even sure if it was really going to happen after driving all that way. So, I drowned my sorrows in Speculoos cookie butter and bread in spite of hitting my pre-Trump weight yesterday. (Ugh, Trader Joe's, you siren of plumposity!)  I'm hearing it's called the Trump 10. In my case it was the Trump 8, but who's counting?