Sunday, June 20, 2021

There's a Man in My Head 6/19/21

Making a trip back to the old home place is so bittersweet. Built by my Paw-paw, my dad and I grew up there. Mom is putting it on the market soon. At least my little Boop has had a chance to see it. Mom is trudging valiantly through it all. I picked out a few things, but there is just so much. 

Cancer. It took my dad at 40, and a good friend just lost her son to leukemia this morning at 24 years old. So thankful I got another colon polyp removed, but I feel like I'm living on borrowed time. Some fresh situation stirs up the memories, especially when I see my own little Boop. I wonder if he would recognize me today. But he once pronounced of me in complete frustration, "Once you get a wild hair up your a**, there's no stopping you." So, I guess maybe he called it.

And my dear Boop, you have encouraged that side of me--Momma Bear! And I became completely committed in 2016. I made so many calls and protested and marched and rallied and fundraised and spoke up and petitioned and paraded. And Boop was riding along side and was just as fierce. Yes, she gets it from me. Dad probably would have been so embarrassed by us! 

March for Humanity (pro-Immigration)
meeting up with March for Education (against DeVos)
Running into them was an unexpected bonus!