Sunday, September 26, 2021

Back to School. 9/26/21

Boop is back to in-person school, as anxiety provoking as that has been. Of course, we got something not long after she went back to school; so I kept her out for a week until she felt better. She had 1 negative COVID test, and I had 2 negative COVID tests. We both got through our antibiotics, but I'm still sleeping about 12-14 hours a day.
We're all feeling a bit bedraggled.

Thankfully, I've finished teaching but just need to wrap up grading. I'm trying to catch up on stuff around the house after the mess of the last few weeks. I managed to get rid of some things at the consignment sale, and after about a year of trying to find a support beam to carry the load of her swing, I wound up buying a frame and putting it together. 

And our sweet pup is starting to like me a little bit. But I'll be back on the evil list after this week. The humane society where we got her had some things confused. Eventually, she did get her dental and had all of her teeth pulled. The latest concern was when I thought she had a UTI. Turns out, she was never spayed; she's nearly 9 years old. The soonest she could get in is Wednesday. And the soonest we could get her in for a grooming was Monday. So, it will be a stressful week for our little doggins.