Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Netflix and Chill. 9/21/22

First Day of School
I've never seen Netflix originals, but I guess they're bad. And I guess my writing is right up there but probably worse. So, what did Boop and I do this weekend? I will say it was a culmination of my poor planning, general grumpiness, and rampant anxiety.
  • I dragged Boop back to my hometown for too short of a trip. So that's Boop not happy with me. She went shopping with her Gammy--so that is some redemption. 
  • I was hoping to meet up with my cousin at a concert. His sister got her long-term foster child taken away--that morning. By the time he was on his way, I was already gone. I'm old. And the topomax just made me a zombie with a migraine. 
  • My FB just churned and churned and would not connect; I did not get to meet up with my friends at the concert. I hadn't seen some of them for like 20 years. You know, I should have planned more in advance to meet up with them before I went. Bad JuJu happens when I am alone at concerts. 
  • My fave band was going to cancel due to an injury, but two of the members made a quick trip in. The play list was perfect, and they used much strategery to pull it off. And even brought in a friend to play my fave song. It was completely ridiculous!
  • And I was in a situation where I should have been supportive and appreciative and loving, and I was not in the proper frame of mind and let my anxiety win out. 
  • And the lice. I try to kill the lice. But the lice win every time. Every time.
So, let's summarize: I suck as a Mom, a cousin, a friend, a writer, a cheerleader (Team Easy E!), and a pestilence eradicator. It’s like the old trope on the Nanny goes: I wonder what new renovation project my therapist will undertake as I try to get this all straightened out.  
Ceramics: It did turn out to be a blue pig.