Monday, July 25, 2011

Panic. 7-20-11

I got an email about some change to my electronic medical record. I was scheduled for ANOTHER level 2 ultrasound?? Then, I got a call on my cell. The guy on the phone was completely clueless. He said they scheduled me for tomorrow. Of course, I'm asking him WHY?!? He said, "Hold on a second." Then, I hear the sounds of our university band blaring in my ear. After a couple of minutes, I hung up.
The ultrasonographer did a fine job, told me everything was okay. So, the only thing I could figure is: (1) somehow the u/s didn't save properly or was accidentally deleted or (2) there was a problem with the blood test. It was the second that gave me pause. Worry: they found something in the PappA that they are concerned about and want to rescan for some reason... The results for the u/s will not be as valid this far along in my pregnancy. I'm 13.5 wks pregnant.
I whipped out a quick email to my mom in the panic. Re-evaluating my decision to stay with the university hospital. I went to get a bite to eat. Boop wanted some fatty beef barbeque. Lord, what this child puts me through :) Boop, barbeque isn't supposed to be sliced! I would have normally picked the barbeque chicken breast, but I guess we needed iron. I trudged through and dissected the beef. I got on the Internet and looked up the nurse midwives. Is this really what I want to do? Even though they didn't train as MD/DO's, they came from far afield and from pretty good schools and hopefully, are pretty savvy. Hm. I'd like to meet them before trying the community hospital.
I was just getting back into work when the NP called me on my cell. I had time to calm down. She explained what happened. No U/S tomorrow. What they have is fine; all is normal. The problem was the blood test. Neither of the problems that I anticipated, though. The phlebotomist sent my blood for an AFP (which can't be done for about 3 more weeks) instead of PappA. Fortunately, the lab still has enough blood to do the PappA. Best to do the nuchal and PappA at the same time. What a relief! My little ticker can't manage too many more things like this.

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