Saturday, April 12, 2014

Away, Part II. 4-12-14

It's hard to reconstruct the trip after so long, but I'll give it a shot. If I don't do it now, it will never get done! And please forgive grammar and the like, I don't have time to edit. 

So, we got in and had a nice visit with my cousins at the restaurant. Honestly, we were so tired. Did I mention about the part about the guy at the bar? Anyway, so there was a guy at the bar. That's not the end of the story. "This little girl walks into a bar and says..." Boop had lots of pent up energy that had to go before she could settle in for the evening. She jogged up and down the row of tables. Up and down, up and down. She got to the bar, and the seniors sitting at the bar looked up and commented on her hair. One of the guys, who had a bit more to drink said, "She looks like that girl with the hair in the movies; what's her name?" "Um, Shirley Temple?" I responded. He wasn't satisfied until someone else at the bar said it, too. There's my Shirley Temple story, sort of.

We stopped at the grocery on the way home for supplies and then headed on to my cousin's condo. They pretty much gave us free reign of the condo, while they stayed in a friend's condo. Boop loved their balcony, looking over at the lake, but she got a little caught up with the threshold. Our timing was a bit off for my cousin as he always plays a golf tournament in their area every year, and he usually wins ;) <seriously, he does do very well; I only wink because it would embarrass him a bit>. I held my breath for Hurricane Boop that she not destroy the place. I'm just hoping she didn't stain their upholstery--this cute white, flip-flop fabric. Hopefully, they have received their package by now.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Taking Stock at 25 Months (and a week). 2-27-14

Here’s what’s happening at 25 months:

  • Mercy sakes. Boop and the boys. I got updated by her teachers last week. They informed me that Boop has a boyfriend. Apparently, N kissed her 3 times over the course of the day. He’s a younger man. So, there you go. She’ll be dating before me.
  • A few days later when I went to pick her up, her teacher asked, “Are those the shoes Boop came to daycare in?” I said yes, somewhat apprehensively. They seemed relieved. Apparently, she and E had decided to exchange shoes, but they did such a good job, the shoes didn’t look like they had been changed. They just happened to think that Boop usually wore purple tennis shoes. E is younger; so I suspect Boop instigated. As I was walking out, I looked down and saw suns on her sock. We turned back around. They had also exchanged socks, too, apparently. How on earth they managed that, I don’t know.
  • My grants got in, but not without much drama. More on that later. Many long hours, only to start up again in a few weeks. I’m pretty exhausted but relieved that it’s over.
  • Winnie seems like she’s seeing a little better. She’s recovering from another UTI and is full of energy, playing with her toys, running around.