Monday, June 2, 2014

Crazy Trip Home. 6-1-14

I made a trip home for the holiday with the worst luck. The trip didn’t get off to a good start. I thought I had everything sorted before I left—but alas, no. When a friend came to pick me up, I kept hearing water running. It was on the wrong side of the house from everything that I thought it could be. I even had a couple of rattling pipes. So, my friend, who was nice enough to drive us home, advised I turn off the main line water; so she had to wait while I ran in to do it. Then, an hour into the trip, I started looking. Wiggles DVDs: check. DVD player: check. Plug the DVD player in the cigarette lighter… Oh no. I forgot the cord. We saw a Target, got turned around and finally got in there. I ran in. No, I really don’t want to buy a $70 DVD player when we already have 4. The guy at Target told me Radioshack was 2 doors down; so we went in there. Mind you, Boop has no shoes, and I’m carrying 38 lb. baby and DVD player in a mad dash through Target and mall. Fortunately, they were able to test the cords in the DVD player because it took us some time to figure out the right one, even though several seemed to fit. Feeling exhausted, yet? That was just the first hour of the trip. Fortunately, my friend is a very patient person.

All I’ve heard the past couple of weeks from Boop was Uncle B this and Uncle B that. So when we finally made it, I had one very happy little girl who got to see Aunt D and Uncle B—and one very happy Winnie who quickly established her spot on Uncle B’s lap. I got to hang out with a friend from college—hadn’t seen her little ones since they were babies who are in middle school now. And see my middle school friend, her husband, and one of my 2nd mothers, and have some very good fried chicken, for a change. Boop was ‘on’ at the dinner house—talking and singing, but she had conked out when I went to see my friend from college. That at least gave us a bit of time to talk.  

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