Thursday, September 25, 2014

Roots and Wings. 9-24-14

Little known fact about me: my mother picked out clothes for my dad and me each day until I was well into my teenage years. And when I did, she was not thrilled about my choices. She would be disappointed to learn that I have, on occasion, allowed Boop to wear her pajamas from the previous night to school! And Boop picks out socks and shoes that don’t match her outfit! I encourage Boop to make a lot of her own decisions, which may encourage some of the sass I get from her when things don’t go her way. However, I want her to know how to manage these things for herself. My instinct is try to do everything for her, but I have a little mental mantra, “Roots and Wings.”
Boop on her Hog (purchase from moi). Happy travels to her fellow cyclists!
This happens to be an outfit from her Gammy. Daycare loves those white tops ;)
My mother has given up hope on the way I look. Our taste is very different. And now every time my mother sees Boop, she has a load of clothes for her. During her last visit, she brought 2 big bags full of clothes. This after I was upset the previous visit that she brought more stuff for Boop plus 8-10 shopping bags full of Boop’s old clothes for the consignment sale—more than was humanly possible for me to sell. I guess it didn’t work out for her to sell them back home. It’s a positive step that she is starting to take things to Goodwill. 

I just got my check from the consignment sale and am putting it toward our trip to see Mickey and Minnie. Boop and I also took 3+ garbage bags full of stuff to the Goodwill. Purging brings such a sense of relief! However, I’m still reeling from the discovery of a lovely pink dress with layers of tulle that I found on clearance at Zappo’s last year; it looked like something out of a Bolshoi version of Swan Lake. I found it crammed in the closet last weekend, only to find yesterday that it no longer fit her. Never worn. Boop was so upset that it didn’t fit. I was upset, too, because I don’t buy her that many clothes, especially not new ones. So, I’m digging out the other couple of dresses that I have bought for her to be sure that she gets a chance to wear them. Boop is almost able to completely dress herself, and it won’t be long until she’s picking out all of her own clothes to wear. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Time for Bed. 9-21-14

Boop slept in her bed again last night. Lasted until 4:30am when she spontaneously started a discussion about the 'little boy'. She fell asleep at 8pm while I was finishing laundry downstairs. Of course, she had no nap, which was a lot of fun yesterday. Fingers crossed for a nap today, which rarely happens on the weekends.

Boop reading a bedtime story:

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Little Boy Scare Me. 9-15-14

Boop has been very vocal about a new emotion that she can label: scared! This thing and that thing “scare me.” The thing that scares her most, and that has put a kink in walking back and forth to daycare (a mixed blessing), is an inflatable football player in our neighbor’s yard. They inflate him on game days, and he has a rather mean grimace on his face. Granted, they had one at daycare that never seemed to bother her before, but that was last year. And, she’s just now started talking about being scared. I’ve taken her over to the deflated football player in the neighbor’s yard while holding her, but she is still pretty upset and won’t look at him. She talks about ‘the little boy’ a lot at home. In one of her streams of talking, she was saying something about the little boy, and she lifted her leg up in the air. “Like this. On one foot. Like this, Mommy.” Mom started cracking up, but I didn’t see anything unusual. Mom thinks she was trying to show me the football player lining up on the field. She talks non-stop; so it’s sometimes a bit hard to follow her train of thought.

Mom gave me money this weekend to get another inexpensive modem to use for Skype-ing with Boop. This will be my 4th wireless modem since I’ve lived here, I think, and probably since I’ve had Boop. Hopefully, it will arrive soon and last longer than 6 months! Along with my home system, I’m having issues with my 2nd work computer this year. My last one crapped out in the middle of a heavy grant submission time earlier in the spring. Granted the PC was older, but it was particularly poor timing. And now, I’m in the middle of another heavy grant submission time and having trouble again. The work PC I have now is pretty much top of the line, a Dell XPS. It started about 2 weeks ago, making a never-ending amount of spaces in my documents; then another day, it was tons of A’s; and then when the IT person came last week, it was going crazy with the Tab key, apparently. We’ve tried a new keyboard and mouse. This morning, my keyboard was not working at all. Hopefully, Dell will be able to get me back on track. Is there some message I should be getting here? 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Mouse Army: Unite! 9-10-14

Boop loves Minnie and Mickey Mouse, but she still can't keep them straight. Sometimes it's hard to wrap my head around the fact that Minnie and Mickey Mouse are supposed to be mice. I definitely prefer the former to the latter. We did however, have an encounter with the latter recently.

We were on our way to C's birthday party. I work with C's mother, and C goes to daycare with Boop. Everybody is connected in some way in a small town. Everybody. This was our 3rd birthday in the matter of a few weeks. So, Boop had just gotten her new silver shoes, and I had not yet removed the squeaker. We had to stop at the office to pick up some papers, and so Boop and I were squeak-squeaking along when out scurried 2 small mice from the hinterlands of the flowerbeds. One of them came up to run along beside my little Pied Piper. With that, my footsteps became more like stomps, which thankfully discouraged little Mickey away. Minnie had stopped her dash towards us. Boop was not quite sure what was going on but was unphased. Thankfully, she didn't try to reach down and grab one. 

The Pied Piper

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Bumblebee. 9-9-14

Please excuse my mess of clothes in the background. I seem to have a glut of Boop's old clothes these days.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Picnic Near the Potty. 8-14

For a few weeks, she wanted to set up camp in the bathroom floor. We had to spread out the blanket, place all of her dolls on it ("Boop's got 3 Doras!"), and I had to sit on the floor. Fortunately, this time, she had left enough room for us to sit, leaving some of her toys behind.