Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Mouse Army: Unite! 9-10-14

Boop loves Minnie and Mickey Mouse, but she still can't keep them straight. Sometimes it's hard to wrap my head around the fact that Minnie and Mickey Mouse are supposed to be mice. I definitely prefer the former to the latter. We did however, have an encounter with the latter recently.

We were on our way to C's birthday party. I work with C's mother, and C goes to daycare with Boop. Everybody is connected in some way in a small town. Everybody. This was our 3rd birthday in the matter of a few weeks. So, Boop had just gotten her new silver shoes, and I had not yet removed the squeaker. We had to stop at the office to pick up some papers, and so Boop and I were squeak-squeaking along when out scurried 2 small mice from the hinterlands of the flowerbeds. One of them came up to run along beside my little Pied Piper. With that, my footsteps became more like stomps, which thankfully discouraged little Mickey away. Minnie had stopped her dash towards us. Boop was not quite sure what was going on but was unphased. Thankfully, she didn't try to reach down and grab one. 

The Pied Piper

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