Thursday, November 20, 2014

Boop’s Christmas List. 11-15-14

Conversation last night:
Me: What do you want for Christmas?
Boop: Presents!
Me: What kind of presents?
Boop: Pink! Pink Presents! <pause> And Purple Presents!
Me: What kind of presents? What do you want inside the present?
Boop: Uhhhh… Bendy! I want bendy!
Me: What’s bendy?
Boop: Bendy! <in other words, just messing with you, Mommy.>
Me: A dolly? A pink and purple dolly?
Boop: Yeah, a pink dolly and a purple dolly.

Conversation this morning:
Me: Have you thought any more about what you want for Christmas?
Boop: Uh, Things! I want Things!
Me: Bendies?
Boop: Yeah, bendies.
Me: What are bendies?
Boop: <laughing> I want a happy face.

<In other words, surprise me, but it better be good.>

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Boop’s Lexicon: A Brief Compendium. 11-4-14

1. “It’s birthday cake.” = It’s very fancy.

2. “I wanna watch Ping Pong.” = I want to watch Peppa Pig. That was a really hard one to figure out!

3. “I want Scoopy Bunny.” = I want you to sing ‘Little Bunny Foo Foo.’ Another hard one to figure out.

4. “I wanna see the Lil’Boy; I don’t wanna see the Lil’Boy.” = I’m afraid of the inflatable football player, but he’s standing in the way of something I want to do—like maybe go to the park.

5. “You a slunky!” = Something really bad. Something you don’t want to be called. I got this in response to me asking her if she was being lazy. We think it means something like slob and flunky, but she doesn’t know what a flunky is. I like this term a lot and can think of a lot of people who are slunkies.

6. “I want Skype.” = I want to watch YouTube kiddie videos on the computer we use to call Gammy on Skype.
Be funny!
Hence, “I wanna watch 4 Little Monkeys on Skype.” = I want to watch the 5 Little Monkeys video on YouTube on the computer we use to call Gammy on Skype.

7. “Be funny.” = Smile

8. “You be funny!” = This can go either way, depending on her mood. It can either mean, ‘That’s great; you’re laughing.’ Or usually it means, ‘Hey, stop laughing at me!’ and is usually followed by her giving me down the road, “You don’t do dat! You <something garbled and incomprehensible—maybe you a slunky>!”

9. “That’s my favorite.” = I mildly like this, and I want to do this/have this. It reeks of sarcasm, but I don’t know when the understanding of sarcasm develops in a child. I’m guess not before age 3.

10. “I wanna watch ganga/slunkalunk.” = I want to watch what is on Nick Jr., instead of Hogan’s Heroes. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Do Me a Flavor, Open the Door, and Let Us In. 10-31-14

Sick baby today. No trick-or-treating tonight, but we did some trick-or-treating a few different times this week already. Our area trick-or-treating was actually earlier in the week. Glad that we were around to see the neighbors across the street. Poor baby had a runny nose and took a minute in the house to get warmed up. Mom and my cousin left this morning to go back home. So thankful that my cousin was able to get some things working for me! (including managing the trick-or-treaters while we were out walking)! It was nice for him to visit because I don’t get to see much of the family unless I go there.
Hey, Little Devil, I'm going to make an angel out of you??
It’s been a heck of a month. I’ve had about 3 grants go out—well one is almost out—this month. This is in the context of having multiple computer problems, due in part to some nasty malware, and in addition to planning for an event at work—not that my planning really mattered, though. Who knew Boop was such a bowler?? She insisted on carrying her ball from the ball return to the lane, and I braced myself for her dropping it on her toe, which fortunately never happened. If I only had a tenth of her energy. It reminded me of when I was a tot. My dad would take me on the lane at the end of their games and let me roll the ball granny style down the lane. Now they have automatic bumpers, a little ramp for the balls, and they even had bowling shoes in 9T.

I think I also made 3 trips back to see the family this month. Well, 2 trips to see the family (reunions and such); one to see Paul McCartney. Sigh. He was in good form and seemed to be feeling good, thankfully. A little late to let us in, it was a bit chilly, and we were hoping that nothing was amiss after his last cancellation. Night and day comparison of Sir Paul vs. the old geezers in my section; they acted like they were one step from the grave (except the senior in front of me who was sending a boring, random text, which is actually worse). I stood up and danced by myself; I dared anyone to say otherwise! It’s a rock concert. So strange to hear all of those songs played by the man himself. Lack of sleep and so much driving had me dissociating a bit. Of course, on my trip back home from the concert, I got a bad flat tire that couldn’t be patched and had to have a couple of new tires. “I wonder to myself: Will life ever be sane again?” I’m not sure that it ever was. And I’m not discouraged from trying to attend another concert—just would rather it be closer by.