Sunday, January 30, 2022

Sigh. 1/30/22

Boop got a gift card for a climbing wall for her birthday, and we finally made the trip with a friend. I guess she wasn't feeling it today. She was anxious about heights, but she made it about half way up the walls anyway. I kept trying to encourage her, but I wasn't doing it the right way, she told me. 

She needed to get out. Very cold, below 10 degrees F in the early mornings. A fair bit of snow. It's been kind of miserable for me who is used to more moderate climates. Boop manages a bit better, but I haven't been able to get her out of my bed. With all of the snow days, she just camps out up there playing Roblox and Minecraft. I have to work, but I have been working from home a fair bit. I mean, I work A LOT, just sometimes at the office. I'm still hoping I can get a functioning PC at work. Looking back through emails, I haven't been able to use Adobe reliably on my PC at work since last summer; apparently the 8 year old PC just can't manage a newer operating system. Eventually, the stars will align, and I will be compatible with 2020.

Boop got COVID in January and tested positive the day we were supposed to fly out to California. I had a borderline fever on New Year's Eve. Boop never had a fever. It was hardly discernable from a bad cold/allergies. Thankfully, we were both fully vaccinated, and I was boosted. I never tested positive: either I had something else, or my timing for testing was off. Boop did test positive. Although school started back on January 3rd, Boop has barely been to school for a handful of days since before Christmas between ailments and school cancelations. 

I've learned not to be optimistic about people where COVID is concerned. Our area has a high COVID count, yet a majority of folks are not wearing masks. So many in the hospital have not been vaccinated--by choice. We all know that COVID is endemic, now. Somehow, I'm going to have to figure out how to travel. I'm still unsure about my trip to San Antonio. I wish I could go further and see folks that I've been missing. Things feel out of sorts in some quarters, and I really don't know how to rectify it.

I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do when I grow up. It's hard to know the next step. Boop likes it here and doesn't want to move. I appreciate Aunt D who runs counter to the push, "She is a kid, and she will be fine. She might even be better." 

Remember this guy? I think of him often:

What a way to go out...


Tuesday, January 11, 2022

An Anthem? 1/11/22

There's so much to unpack in Encanto. Like most of the world, we are Lin-Manuel Miranda fans. Boop first got to know his stuff from the Electric Company, and I know she's seen Encanto at least 3 times all the way through and has the videos on heavy rotation.

How many of my academia momma friends have been saying how they feel this song so much? Too many. And I don't hear it coming from other sectors. Boop likes the part where they are riding unicorns. She knows they don't exist. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

All the World is a Stage. 12-24-21

Some people enjoy putting themselves out there. We went to a Merry Crispness party or maybe it was a Merry Chipness party in celebration of Pringles at a neighbor’s house for Christmas Eve Eve. I wasn’t even close to the mystery flavors. Boop tried a tiny bit of one chip, which was a big accomplishment. She is working hard in OT. Although she’s started to have some social anxiety since the confinement, Boop is still quite the extravert. If she’s not out there in the mix, she’s more anxious. Fortunately, most of my neighbors these days are very kind-hearted and can manage both of us: her out there and me hoping that if I lean on the wall enough that it will suck me in. After she had chased the mini-Jeep around the circle, she was exhausted and conceded that she would go home.

This is all the news that is fit to print about us, I guess, here on my baby blog. I wonder what kind of distorted perceptions folks get from different slices of our lives? As bizarre as it might sound, I’ve suspected that more than one tribe is hiking up this creek, the existential dread. Who knows what perception folks have of me, or how they got it? This is all too self-indulgent. Mostly, my life is pretty plain; although a couple of folks can push my buttons. Angry, jealous me is rarely seen but is entirely unpleasant. And I rarely give someone the satisfaction to know that I was so affected. These days I’m trying to focus on the gains that Boop is making, rather than the frustrations. I have to think that 2022 will be better.

A belated Merry Christmas when I finally post this—across many ponds.