Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Taking Stock at 24 months. 1/17/14

Here’s what’s happening at 2 years old:
Birthday Cupcake
  • My baby is going to be 2 years old tomorrow. It’s a miracle she’s made it this long, wild child. Last check, she’s about 3 feet tall! And she’s been hovering under 35 lbs for several months now. Still loves the “Wiggus.” Everything is the Wiggles; sometimes it’s every other word. “Momma, Wiggus.” “Momma, Wiggus D*B*D*B” DBDB is the DVD player. Just DB is the TV. Now that she knows about Wii, she wants to do it as soon as she gets up, the minute she gets home, and then all afternoon. “I run! I run!” or “Bubbles” are her favorites. And that means Mommy runs and Boop just sits and watches.
  • Boop doesn’t want to wear clothes. It’s a battle to get a coat on her most days. Sometimes she runs out the door half nekid in the freezing cold weather. Still not potty trained. She wants to go to the potty, but she still asks for a diaper before she will go potty. She hasn’t gone in the potty, yet.
  • Me? I feel like a machine, just trying to get work cranked out. No fun and pretty exhausting. I have to keep picking myself back up and continuing to engage in fruitless endeavors. My latest thought is certified financial planner. I think I only need to take about 5 or 6 classes to sit for the exam.
  • Winnie is hanging tough, bless her heart. She scratches and picks constantly. I can’t find much to help her, unless I give her Benadryl, which makes her a groggy.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I'm Right. 2-19-14

Yesterday, Boop turned 2 years, 1 month. I still haven't posted the stuff from when she turned 2. I'm just slogging away on stuff for work; due dates are very near. However, a quote from Bertrand Russell caught my eye this morning on Twitter, 
"I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong." 
Aside from winning the Nobel Prize, this is a smart guy. Sounds like the kind of guy I could live with. He's not too far from admitting that I am always right. 
Guess that's why I don't have a Nobel Prize. My friends and I should nominate each other. Can we do that? 
This is what happens after many days of sleep deprivation.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Face of the Earth. 2-12-14

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, that would be too easy for me. I've got a couple of grants due at the end of the month that I started much too late. But there's no way to start them early enough. And there's no way to have enough time. I would say you can definitely be too skinny, but you can never have enough time for a grant.
The good and bad news is that my nice flat panel TV finally gave up the ghost, yep, right at the start of the Olympics. Good IF I would have taken advantage of the quiet and got more work done. Bad as I quickly missed my TV (How can I get any work done with a toddler?) and had to dig out the smaller TV that I was going to put in my room. Thank goodness I was tempted by the crazy Black Friday deals and ordered it last November.
I got into a minor fender bender. Of course, my car got the worst of it. Thankfully, Boop wasn't with me. I had been putting off some other minor work on my car, but I guess I should just bite the bullet and get it done. Because I have so much time, ahem.
On Sunday, I had a babysitter lined up; so I could go to the office and get a couple of hours work done. I got to the office, and my computer wouldn't let me in. No tech support. Time wasted. Money wasted. Yesterday, it was official. The operating system bit the dust; let's hope that's all. I'm nervous about writing on it now; I've already lost some stuff. Maybe I'll just resort to my hammer and chisel and knock these grants out on a stone tablet. My grants WILL get out if it is at all within my power.
There were plenty of other unfortunate events (did I mention that Boop poured out half a bottle of perfume on a cloth chair? Fortunately it was an old one that went immediately to the road!), but I'll just stop here.
Yum, baked pasta and banana!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Solace. 2-4-14

I'm seeking solace in a bag of dark chocolate chips. Have I seriously eaten over half the bag already? All the better. I think Boop is allergic to chocolate. The sacrifices mommies make for their babies ;) 
Oink, Oink
My non-potty-using baby