Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Face of the Earth. 2-12-14

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, that would be too easy for me. I've got a couple of grants due at the end of the month that I started much too late. But there's no way to start them early enough. And there's no way to have enough time. I would say you can definitely be too skinny, but you can never have enough time for a grant.
The good and bad news is that my nice flat panel TV finally gave up the ghost, yep, right at the start of the Olympics. Good IF I would have taken advantage of the quiet and got more work done. Bad as I quickly missed my TV (How can I get any work done with a toddler?) and had to dig out the smaller TV that I was going to put in my room. Thank goodness I was tempted by the crazy Black Friday deals and ordered it last November.
I got into a minor fender bender. Of course, my car got the worst of it. Thankfully, Boop wasn't with me. I had been putting off some other minor work on my car, but I guess I should just bite the bullet and get it done. Because I have so much time, ahem.
On Sunday, I had a babysitter lined up; so I could go to the office and get a couple of hours work done. I got to the office, and my computer wouldn't let me in. No tech support. Time wasted. Money wasted. Yesterday, it was official. The operating system bit the dust; let's hope that's all. I'm nervous about writing on it now; I've already lost some stuff. Maybe I'll just resort to my hammer and chisel and knock these grants out on a stone tablet. My grants WILL get out if it is at all within my power.
There were plenty of other unfortunate events (did I mention that Boop poured out half a bottle of perfume on a cloth chair? Fortunately it was an old one that went immediately to the road!), but I'll just stop here.
Yum, baked pasta and banana!

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