Friday, May 9, 2014

Pee-Pee, Part II. 5-9-14

So, I waited a bit and realized that it would be unlikely for her to go again before bed. I called the pediatrician’s office back to speak with the NP. I explained that it would be hard to get her to go again and at what point should we consider catheterizing her. She said they wouldn’t catheterize, that I would have to take her to the hospital. I was flabbergasted, but I tried not to sound that way. She was nice but acted like I was asking for something outside of common practice. I just changed to this pediatrician late last year. I’m thinking to myself that the doctor knew my child had a reflux problem and knew she was going off antibiotics: why didn’t he tell me that they didn’t catheterize? Of course, there are risks of contamination with catheterizing, too, but sometimes you have to do it. And the frequency of reflux in children may be 1-2%, which means out of every 100 children he sees, a couple of them probably have it. You need to check more than that 1-2% to pick up 1-2%.

I was lost at that point. I didn’t want to take her to the ER, but then I figured I would call Urgent Care to see if they catheterize. YES! And she explained the hope would be to get her to go in the bag. Mine, too! With that, I packed up some books, put Boop in some slippers, left her pants at home, and we headed out. They had a slightly different bag, which made more sense for a little girl, and started bringing the juice. I gave her some water, which she spilled all down my pants. Finally, success with the bag! And yes, just as I had found earlier, positive for UTI, unfortunately. So, we are waiting on the cultures to come back. Then, we’ll follow up to see what the next step is. Another urinalysis, I’m sure. 

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