Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Plugging Along. 9/5/23

We are here. It happened. We are slowly opening boxes and still waiting to figure out about things that were damaged in the move. It will be nice to have a kitchen table again. With any luck, our other house will sell within the week. So many little last-minute things to get squared away. We will miss our neighbors, but our new neighbors seem nice enough. The house is fine. I spent more for it than I should have, but we will manage alright here. It will be a relief to pay the mortgage down with interest rates being at 6.5%. My previous mortgage was 2.6%.

Boop is making friends and finding lots to do. Swimming, playing flute in band, obsessing about make-up and skin care. The boys are still to follow. She will be 12 years old soon. How did that even happen? And somewhere in there, I turned 50. What does that even mean? 

Boop gives the re-cap at the end of the day. I know I'm uncool and all, but she still tells me things. And we have lots of discussions about people who like to make fun at other's expense. I will never understand it. There are bullies everywhere, but I remind Boop not to be one of those people. So far, she seems to be a caring little goat: ready to butt heads with anyone who wants to tell her what to do, but eager to help others when they are down. 

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