Monday, April 29, 2013

Taking Stock at Weeks 65/66/67. 4-24-13

Here's what's been happening the last 3 weeks:
  • Little Boop is still full of energy and keeping me VERY busy. So, along with figuring out how to open the child-proof drawers, she's figured out how to open the child safety caps on pill bottles. Fortunately, it was only acidophilus, but she has the skills. 
  • She's still not crazy about using utensils. I wonder how her applesauce went today at daycare. This is a skill I would like for her to pick up quickly! All of her spills are a bit hard on her clothes and my floor. We're trying to get through some of her pickiness. Meat is not something that she is crazy about. I just worry about her getting enough protein. I got sunflower seed butter, which wasn't a hit. I bought tofu. That will be the next thing to try. Thank goodness for humus! And well, she likes Winnie's dog food better than Winnie does. That has a high ICK! factor for me, and I can't figure out why dog kibble is so much more enticing than a bite-sized chunk of white-meat chicken.
  • I'm trying to get the house together to have a few folks over. I did some serious weeding this past weekend. I was hoping that one of my helpers would be able to work on the side of the house, but he had to leave town before he could get it done. He did help me pick up my patio furniture the night before he left, which was great. I just need to figure out a time to sit and put it together. Boop was not happy as I tried to pull things out of the box. I looked up, and she was down 1 step off the back deck. Of course, I said, "Stop" and "No." Which in Boop language means, "Hurry" and "Do more." With that, she rolled down the last 2 steps of the porch. Fortunately, she recovered quickly, and she didn't seem too worse for wear.
  • Winnie is still battling UTI's. More tests, more money. Even when we find out the strain of bacteria, I'm not convinced that it will help. They said something about having her on antibiotics for a month. That should be fun. They had to take her off antibiotics for the test, and we're waiting for the verdict before giving her more. So far, we are just managing on meds for pain. She seems to be doing okay, though. 
  • Mom decided at the last minute to get a knee replacement. Unfortunately, we just can't manage that quickly. I hate for her to be far away and try to go through this. Of course, she probably has a tinge of relief that Boop isn't around to yank out an IV or put a knot in the tube that gives her pain meds. Not sure if we are going try to make a trip or not. It's just a long trip for Boop and a dog with a UTI. If we tried to fly, we would have the cost, plus the 1.5 hr trip back and forth to the airport, plus trying to figure out what to do with Winnie. The car would be 7 hrs. 
  • Boop and Winnie are starting to get along a wee bit better. Winnie certainly loves Boop when it's dinner time! But, lately, Boop has gotten better about being able to rub Winnie's back. And Winnie will sit still for that. But Boop also is fascinated by Winnie's teeth, nose, and eyes, and nothing good comes of that. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Me and My Chickadee. 4-18-13

Chasing after the birds near Fisherman's Wharf, looking towards Pier 39...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Taking Stock at Week 63/64. 4-6-13

Here’s what’s happening at Boop’s week 63/64:
  • We returned from our travels to a storm. Boop is spending full days at her new class now. She really didn’t get enough of a transition. Drop off has been physically draining. Most days she is hysterical when I leave. However, most folks say that she settles down and is fine after I leave. I can’t help feeling like I’m somehow betraying her. If it were a developmental thing as folks say, it’s strange that it only appeared when she went to her new class. I had to cut out the lunchtime nursing session; she’s just too upset when I try to leave again.
  • Lots of developmental stuff. After spending so much time with Mom, Boop’s picked up a few things from her. I can’t help but laugh. Boop straightens up after leaning over and says, ‘Oh, GAH!’ Poor Mom is having lots of trouble with her back, especially trying to pick up our little chunk. And I have heard Mom call upon the name of our dear Lord more than once out of pain. Sometimes Boop says words like ‘eat’ and ‘milk’ as clear as a bell. Most times she’s a bit lazy. However she will practice some things; for example, she walks through the house waving and saying ‘bye-bye’.
  • Another UTI for Winnie. We had to spend 1.5 hours at the vet, which had me pulling my hair out. We came straight from daycare with no snacks, and Boop was climbing the walls. This time we have to do 28 days worth of antibiotics. So, I’m struggling to get Winnie to take the meds. I’m out of tricks.
  • A bit faint in this shot but much worse in other places.
  • I have hives and a sinus infection. I accidentally got a piece of mango in a fruit salad over a week ago, and I got hives all over me. My tongue swelled a bit at the time, but the hives just wouldn’t go away. And I’ve been fighting this sinus infection for several weeks. So, I finally went to the urgent care and got on steroids and antibiotics. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Namesake. 4-6-13

I was just reading the news, and I was reflecting on my namesake, Kim Jong Un, and all that we have in common. And so here's the list:

<sound of crickets chirping>

Monday, April 1, 2013

Revelation. 3-31-13

I was so overwhelmed when I returned home from visiting with my mother this past weekend. My house was a total wreck. My life is too complicated. My job is too taxing.

I don't want to be a hoarder. Possessions are fleeting and a nuisance. I am in the process of selling all of my earthly belongings and closing up shop. I've decided that Boop and I are moving to a nunnery in a nearby town to escape it all for a while.

Fortunately, I acquired a number of little black dresses while on a recent shopping expedition. These should serve me well in my new locale, if not a bit too form fitting. At least, one has an empire waist (if paired with leggings the shortness might be overcome).

It is my understanding that Winnie will be employed in the dining commons, to clean up after meals, and thus, she will be a welcome addition.