Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day. 12-25-13

Merry Christmas!

Little Boop is still tucked safely in her bed. I don't think she knows what sugar plums are, but hopefully, she's having sweet dreams! 

I've had a heck of a run these last few weeks. Grants not funded, tenure further out of reach; Boop with a couple of stomach bugs in the last month; me with a stomach bug while visiting family, landing me in the ER; missed a family Christmas; will have a $1000 ER bill for going to the ER out of state and needing to meet my deductible; just found out my student's mother was put in Hospice; and wait, did I just get dumped by my Internet crush on Christmas Eve? So, we may be poor and destitute next Christmas, but for today, I'm going to drug up on Zofran--my old pregnancy buddy, enjoy being back to an easy size 4, and try to hold Boop's attention long enough to get through all of these packages! 

"There is no problem so bad that you can’t make it worse." CHRIS HADFIELD, Canadian Astronaut

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