Thursday, January 2, 2014

Year End Report. 12-29-13

I’ve been up since before 4am working on my Year End Report. Sort of. I add something to the report. Then piddle. Go back to the report. Piddle some more. You get the idea. I’ve been trying to work on it for a few days, but Boop either wants to help me type or play Wii. We’ve been doing a fair bit of Wii Fit, and after logging in the 3rd or 4th time yesterday, it started giving me messages that I shouldn’t push myself too hard and overdo it. Admittedly, I was feeling a tad guilty about polishing off a container of pfeffernusse with Boop’s help. However, Boop was also quite insistent that I Wii—pulling out the disks and carrying the controllers around.

This morning I need something stronger than pfeffernusse to get going on this report. I know it’s Sunday, but about the only thing I can think of to make this report more palatable is booze. I do have some Christmas cherry stollen, but that’s not enough to cope with the task at hand.

It’s no fun rehearsing the year in light of the negative feedback I’ve received. You’d think I’d be used to it by now. Also, the documentation required is insane. I’ve never seen anything like it. My friends also pointed out that we aren’t going to get raises this year; so why even bother? I’ll look at the final print out and think: 1. I spent this much time on a document when I could’ve actually been getting other work done, and 2. In the grand scheme of my life, why did this year matter? If I had a big fat grant, I wonder if I'd care :)
Last Year. She's really growing up.

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