Saturday, January 4, 2014

Turkey, Stump, and Woodland Creatures. 1-1-14

I wonder what the new year holds. I’m piddling, going through some videos. Boop has her DVD of the Wiggles playing and is simultaneously playing her Wiggles guitar (Lights of New York + Fruit Salad (Wiggles) + Over in the Meadow (Wiggles) = nutty Kim). Boop loves Fruit Salad, but Paul looks unhealthy in the video--makes me a little sad every time I watch. Hm. Divebomber seems so pleasantly familiar. Such a sweetie. ENTJ? Maybe my cheap butt will break down and buy the album. But this little squirrel is storing away acorns for winter. I haven’t bought any albums in a long while.
Strapped to me is about the only way she'll be still.
I was just reading a bit about wild goose chases. I’ve been on a few. Interesting note about wild goose chases: it’s not really about hunting, like I thought. It’s a form of a 16th century horse race where all the other horses chase after a crazy lead horse. That’s about as far as I got in the explanation. It helps if you know which wild goose you’re supposed to be chasing, and I haven’t been really sure. I wonder if there is ever a winner in such a race or how you can tell. Do the other horses ever catch up to the lead horse? I have no idea how that’s done. I bet it’s pretty amusing to watch, but it’s not fun to be one of the horses on the chase. Boop is a bit of a crazy horse, herself, and if I don’t run interference, she might tear the house down. 

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