Saturday, December 27, 2014

Never Stops. 12-24-14

At Aunt D’s during our Christmas visit, she did laps around the kitchen/den singing. Laps and laps. No naps. I thought I was clear today at the grocery when she got in the little car made onto the front of the shopping cart and wanted to be buckled in. We didn’t even make it through the produce section. She was all over the place somewhere between produce and health food. She had long shed her little vest that matched my sweater at the Chinese restaurant, and she was marching/stomping through the aisles of the grocery in blue princess dress, purple microfiber boots, and black minky jacket. And singing. Singing as loud as she could without yelling. She can really project. And singing about: everything. Narrating her entire trip through the grocery. At one point: “Signs. There’s lots of signs. Signs everywhere.” The next minute: “Mommy said to stop. Stop, stop, stop.” And she was stomping those big purple boots to keep the beat. She is like an extravert version of me on super steroids. 
The whole time, I just tried to keep my eyes focused straight ahead, not making eye contact as I followed behind the ring leader. However, out of the corner of my eye, I could see people cracking up and nodding their heads. Some admired her boots; some complimented her princess dress; some just commented on her cuteness. Meanwhile, I’m thinking, ‘When do I intervene?’ ‘Is this healthy for her to be encouraged to be so… theatrical?’ ‘What will become of her; she's 2 years old and already so--out there?’ ‘Do I nip it in the bud?’ She’s fearless and full of energy. I am carefully picking my battles.  

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas. 12-25-2014

Wherever you find yourself today, Merry Christmas!

She still will not sit on Santa's lap, and 
it was no easy task to get her to sit for the photo, even in my lap.
Next year, I will dress like I want to get my photo taken, then I won't have to be in the photo.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Magic Potty: the Scoop on the ****. 12-18-14

When Boop was finally able to have a bowel movement in the potty, it was a time of great celebration. Tiny baby diapers and the fascination with every bodily function are long, long gone by the age of 2. It actually goes downhill pretty quickly with the introduction of meat and the like. So, when your little one can do the deed without the need for lots of clean-up, it’s quite a relief, and it resulted in a fabulous, fabulous prize for one Princess Boop: her own little Mickey Mouse clubhouse (sung in choppy staccato). It made quite an impression, and there were no further thoughts of pull-ups. Thank heavens.

And so it is with Magic Potty. Once potty trained, another threat emerges—holding it in for too long. This can increase the likelihood of UTI’s, with all the relatedness of the innards, expansions of some pipes, causing blockages of other pipes and such. Somehow, though, when I ask Boop to sit on her little frog potty, it just happens, and the threat of a UTI dissipates. And this would be terrific it were just a magic potty for Boop.

However, we have made a discovery, confirmed through a battery of my highly scientific tests. The 1st time Boop’s little friend, Princess Merida, visited, we thought it was a mere fluke. Princess Merida’s mom marveled that Magic Potty worked so well, as Princess Merida had been having a little trouble in that area. The 2nd visit, we knew that Magic Potty had mystical powers when the royal throne again functioned so fantastically. Now, it seems that even the mere thought of Magic Potty can induce its numinous effect. Returning home after a recent trip, H posted a note that Princess Merida was having a little trouble. I asked if Princess Merida needed Magic Potty. H laughed and said she was just thinking about Magic Potty, and that she had considered calling me. In this case, simply invoking the spirit of the Magic Potty achieved the desired effect. So, it didn’t require a trip to my house, which Princess Boop and Princess Merida would probably be disappointed to learn and would probably result in the loss of the long-distance supernatural powers of the Magic Potty. We must keep these secrets of Magic Potty closely guarded, to be unlocked only after Magic Potty is outgrown and said princesses are able to read.
2 out of 2 princess agree in the powers of Magic Potty

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Reservations. 11-24-14

I’m already hearing Boop, “A pwincess! Mommy, it’s a pwincess!” Disney World will be crazy. She will immediately know Ariel and Cinderella. She may have trouble with Belle. I goofed on her Disney baby doll. She’s been calling it Belle; it’s actually Aurora, as I didn’t realize that was Sleeping Beauty’s name. When I realized my mistake, I tried to fix the situation, but the ship had sailed. These are very important things, you know. It’s all about the Princess. We just watched Mulan last weekend. However, there are no meet-n-greets for Mulan that I saw in the Magic Kingdom. Just the white princesses. Hm. 

Every morning, she would wake up and think this was the day she would see Aunt D and Mickey Mouse. It was hard to see her disappointment when she learned she would be going to daycare. We wound up making chains for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Disney World. It is making life MUCH easier, and she is enjoying taking the links off each day. However, she is still upset that she has to go to daycare each day.