Saturday, December 27, 2014

Never Stops. 12-24-14

At Aunt D’s during our Christmas visit, she did laps around the kitchen/den singing. Laps and laps. No naps. I thought I was clear today at the grocery when she got in the little car made onto the front of the shopping cart and wanted to be buckled in. We didn’t even make it through the produce section. She was all over the place somewhere between produce and health food. She had long shed her little vest that matched my sweater at the Chinese restaurant, and she was marching/stomping through the aisles of the grocery in blue princess dress, purple microfiber boots, and black minky jacket. And singing. Singing as loud as she could without yelling. She can really project. And singing about: everything. Narrating her entire trip through the grocery. At one point: “Signs. There’s lots of signs. Signs everywhere.” The next minute: “Mommy said to stop. Stop, stop, stop.” And she was stomping those big purple boots to keep the beat. She is like an extravert version of me on super steroids. 
The whole time, I just tried to keep my eyes focused straight ahead, not making eye contact as I followed behind the ring leader. However, out of the corner of my eye, I could see people cracking up and nodding their heads. Some admired her boots; some complimented her princess dress; some just commented on her cuteness. Meanwhile, I’m thinking, ‘When do I intervene?’ ‘Is this healthy for her to be encouraged to be so… theatrical?’ ‘What will become of her; she's 2 years old and already so--out there?’ ‘Do I nip it in the bud?’ She’s fearless and full of energy. I am carefully picking my battles.  

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