Sunday, March 15, 2015

Beware the Ides of March. 3-15-15

Here's what's happening at 3 years and nearly 3 months:
  • I'm wondering how long it will be before Boop realizes my Cocoa Puffs isn't really burnt cereal.
  • I was trying to get some of Boop's old clothes ready for consignment. She gave me a questioning look and asked, "What's that?" "It's an iron, Honey," I explained. I don't think she had ever really seen one before.
  • Winnie has another UTI and some kind of heart condition. Her murmur is getting worse, but she seems better with heart medicine. I wasn't happy to learn that the antibiotic that they use for her UTI's may be cardiotoxic. In the grand scheme of things, I'd rather her have a UTI than heart failure. So, I called them and told them I wanted to take her off of the batryl, and I did. We've been trying to keep up the uromax.
  • Boop got her new Tinkerbell bed this week, and she has slept in it the past few days. It's taken some negotiating, including me trying to sleep in the tiny toddler bed, but we may be turning the corner. Fingers crossed.
  • We've also done better in the mornings getting dressed the last couple of days. I gave Boop the moniker "Tar-Zanna" due to her aversion to clothes and baths. A few mornings seriously degenerated into me shouting such classics as, "We are not animals! Humans have to wear clothes!" I took her to my doctor's appointment, wrapped in a blanket. Unfortunately, that did not have the impact that I had hoped. The next day she didn't want to wear clothes so she could go with Mommy. No, no. We went promptly to daycare with her barely covered and in a blanket. Fortunately, she was ready to change in the bathroom before we got to class. Perhaps that did the trick. I am not into public shaming, but I just wanted her to change her very strong-willed toddler mind. I can't cancel life just because my toddler doesn't want to wear clothes.
  • Some of the creepy stuff about people stealing children's identities has been worrying me. If you ever happen to see a photo of Boop floating around out there, please let me know. Thanks!

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