Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Lucky Day? 2-22-13

It’s early, yet. I shouldn’t hex myself. Isn’t there something in the Bible about feeling too good about things and that you’ll be struck down? It’s a different one than ‘pride cometh before a fall.’ Anyway.

The day didn’t get the most auspicious start. I awoke at 3:30am in pain. Unfortunately, I forgot 1 piece of my hand breast pump, which I realized yesterday. So, yesterday afternoon, I went to a baby store to get a new piece. When I got home with it, I realized it was the wrong piece L And so I did my best to hand-express because I was in so much pain. I kind of had to figure it out as I went along, and I lamented the fact that I had never milked a cow to help understand the logistics.

At 3:30 am, I was in the bathroom trying to get it sorted, and I didn’t go back to sleep. Come to think of it, my morning kind of sucked. I finished emails and listened to the weather, which was bad. I emailed the meeting coordinator, and it was going to be $200 to change my flight home to an earlier time. They would pay half. That’s when my luck started to change.

I told the coordinator that I would try to leave as early as possible to see if they would offer me an earlier flight, usually for $75. I only had $15 on me, which wasn’t enough for a taxi. So, I asked about an ATM. That’s when my luck started to change. The coordinator emailed back to ask if I wanted to ride with someone who had a car. I said I would. That saved me the fee for the ATM. Turns out the car was a limo. I got to the airport. It asked if I wanted an earlier flight for $0. How did they know that’s my price? 

Then, I needed lunch. I started walking through the airport, and lo and behold, they had a Potbelly sandwich shop. The flight was a little late to get going, but I got home just in time for Boop to be waking from her nap at daycare. Oh, and fast forward to a few minutes ago: it’s national pie month at Eat-n-Park; so all pieces of pie were on sale. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Taking Stock at Boop’s Week 57. 2-22-13

Here’s what’s happening at Boop’s week 57:
  • She almost has it. Boop has almost figured how to blow kisses. She gets that she needs to touch her lips, but the blowing the kiss part hasn’t quite sunk in, yet. It won’t be long.
  • Hallelujah! Winnie got rid of her UTI. Not sure what is going on there, why she has had so many. The new vet put her on a different antibiotic, and she’s doing better. Fingers crossed, it lasts a while. She still is scratching and biting a lot; so that is something different than the UTI’s, I guess.
  • Our first overnight apart so I could travel for work. It seems to be going well. Mom came in to take care of her. We tried to maintain a decent schedule as much as possible. So, she still went to daycare; there was just no me to nurse at lunch. We skyped, and she recognized me on the screen.
  • I just can’t seem to get it all done. I gave up the BBC on my Twitter feed as it was overwhelming and have been trimming other folks I follow on Twitter and Facebook. I’m trying to check it less frequently. Boop has been staying at daycare a little longer in the afternoons as I try to wrap things up at the office. I’m still looking for ways to get a little extra time here and there.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Taking Stock at Boop’s Week 56. 2-15-13

Here’s what’s happening at week 56:

  • How bad is it to admit that sometimes I just look at little Boop and think, “Wow, what a pretty little girl I have!”? I’m still a little surprised when I look at her. I’ve seen so many babies who had problems; I’m just  very fortunate.

  • The whole house is on antibiotics. I should have stock in omnicef.
  • Boop is starting to watch TV and that worries me. I need to turn it off more than I do. I’ve gotten so used to sleeping with it. 
  • Fortunately, we’ve stayed plenty cozy in spite of the cold weather and snow. The fluctuations in weather take its toll.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Almost Caught with My. 2-17-13

Take 1

Take 2
About this time, I'm wishing I hadn't talked so much in the videos.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013

Taking Stock at Week 55. 2-10-13

Here’s what’s happening at Boop’s week 55:
  •  We started the week with Winnie at the vet. We went to a different vet to get a 2nd opinion. We’re trying a different antibiotic. Another UTI, of course. And it was snowing to beat the band. A bit of a scary ride home with snowy roads and lots of power outages.
  • Boop is walking. Crawling is still a bit faster and easier, but she’s got the hang of walking. She likes having a hand to hang on to while she’s walking, as it helps to steady her and is faster, but she waddles along just fine on her own.  Thankfully, she’s pulling my pants down less.
  • Boop is still nursing and doesn’t show much sign of wanting to stop. Babies do all kinds of strange things while nursing. Along with twisting, grabbing, pinching, and poking, Boop has added an interesting one to her repertoire: finger in my belly button.
  • Boop and I are sick, but more on that next week.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

For Grandma. 2-3-13

Hard to see much. I was trying to get her to say 'Hello' into the phone this morning to Mom. She just picked up the phone and started talking spontaneously this afternoon. Catch the second time she puts the phone to her ear.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Just Getting To It. 1-4-12

Happy New Year! I didn’t manage to post on the day. I spent the majority of day chasing after Boop. I tried to stay up to see the ball drop on New Year’s Eve, but I conked out before. Then, I woke up right before. Then, I conked out again. Then, I woke up again in the New Year. The ball dropped in Times Square without us. I needed the sleep more, I guess. At least, I saw the new year come in the Southern Hemisphere. I would have had to be completely out of it to miss that.
Her momma's daughter: flash on, eyes closed. New camera has a brighter flash.

One of my fave New Year’s Day events is to go to the clearance sales. But I was still pretty tired when I got up, it was cold, and the roads were covered with snow. I didn’t want to drag Boop out in it. I didn’t want to drag me out in it. I’m generally moving slower. Maybe it’s seasonal affective disorder. Maybe it’s having a busy toddler. Maybe I’m feeling overwhelmed by all the stuff that I have to do. Probably both.  

I usually don’t make resolutions, but I have a few things I want to work on.
Resolution #1: No pee-pee on my carpet in 2013. That one will be impossible to manage, I know. Between Boop peeing while I’m trying to change her diaper on the floor and poor Winnie fighting those UTI’s, the carpet doesn’t stand a chance. At least, I will plan not to pee-pee on my carpet this year!

Resolution #2: To be on time…for something. Before New Year’s, my resolution was just to be on time, period. We’re only a few days into the new year, and I don’t think I’ve managed to be on time for anything. Okay, an exaggeration, but I haven’t been on time for much. They say not to make unattainable goals or else you’ll get discouraged. So, I’m trying to boost my self-esteem a bit with this resolution, especially since I don’t have much control over Resolution #1.

I had another resolution, but I’ve forgotten it. Probably because I’ve already broken it. And so I’ll make up a new resolution: only make resolutions if they enhance my self-esteem and feelings of self-efficacy.