Saturday, February 2, 2013

Just Getting To It. 1-4-12

Happy New Year! I didn’t manage to post on the day. I spent the majority of day chasing after Boop. I tried to stay up to see the ball drop on New Year’s Eve, but I conked out before. Then, I woke up right before. Then, I conked out again. Then, I woke up again in the New Year. The ball dropped in Times Square without us. I needed the sleep more, I guess. At least, I saw the new year come in the Southern Hemisphere. I would have had to be completely out of it to miss that.
Her momma's daughter: flash on, eyes closed. New camera has a brighter flash.

One of my fave New Year’s Day events is to go to the clearance sales. But I was still pretty tired when I got up, it was cold, and the roads were covered with snow. I didn’t want to drag Boop out in it. I didn’t want to drag me out in it. I’m generally moving slower. Maybe it’s seasonal affective disorder. Maybe it’s having a busy toddler. Maybe I’m feeling overwhelmed by all the stuff that I have to do. Probably both.  

I usually don’t make resolutions, but I have a few things I want to work on.
Resolution #1: No pee-pee on my carpet in 2013. That one will be impossible to manage, I know. Between Boop peeing while I’m trying to change her diaper on the floor and poor Winnie fighting those UTI’s, the carpet doesn’t stand a chance. At least, I will plan not to pee-pee on my carpet this year!

Resolution #2: To be on time…for something. Before New Year’s, my resolution was just to be on time, period. We’re only a few days into the new year, and I don’t think I’ve managed to be on time for anything. Okay, an exaggeration, but I haven’t been on time for much. They say not to make unattainable goals or else you’ll get discouraged. So, I’m trying to boost my self-esteem a bit with this resolution, especially since I don’t have much control over Resolution #1.

I had another resolution, but I’ve forgotten it. Probably because I’ve already broken it. And so I’ll make up a new resolution: only make resolutions if they enhance my self-esteem and feelings of self-efficacy.  

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