Monday, February 11, 2013

Taking Stock at Week 55. 2-10-13

Here’s what’s happening at Boop’s week 55:
  •  We started the week with Winnie at the vet. We went to a different vet to get a 2nd opinion. We’re trying a different antibiotic. Another UTI, of course. And it was snowing to beat the band. A bit of a scary ride home with snowy roads and lots of power outages.
  • Boop is walking. Crawling is still a bit faster and easier, but she’s got the hang of walking. She likes having a hand to hang on to while she’s walking, as it helps to steady her and is faster, but she waddles along just fine on her own.  Thankfully, she’s pulling my pants down less.
  • Boop is still nursing and doesn’t show much sign of wanting to stop. Babies do all kinds of strange things while nursing. Along with twisting, grabbing, pinching, and poking, Boop has added an interesting one to her repertoire: finger in my belly button.
  • Boop and I are sick, but more on that next week.

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