Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Lucky Day? 2-22-13

It’s early, yet. I shouldn’t hex myself. Isn’t there something in the Bible about feeling too good about things and that you’ll be struck down? It’s a different one than ‘pride cometh before a fall.’ Anyway.

The day didn’t get the most auspicious start. I awoke at 3:30am in pain. Unfortunately, I forgot 1 piece of my hand breast pump, which I realized yesterday. So, yesterday afternoon, I went to a baby store to get a new piece. When I got home with it, I realized it was the wrong piece L And so I did my best to hand-express because I was in so much pain. I kind of had to figure it out as I went along, and I lamented the fact that I had never milked a cow to help understand the logistics.

At 3:30 am, I was in the bathroom trying to get it sorted, and I didn’t go back to sleep. Come to think of it, my morning kind of sucked. I finished emails and listened to the weather, which was bad. I emailed the meeting coordinator, and it was going to be $200 to change my flight home to an earlier time. They would pay half. That’s when my luck started to change.

I told the coordinator that I would try to leave as early as possible to see if they would offer me an earlier flight, usually for $75. I only had $15 on me, which wasn’t enough for a taxi. So, I asked about an ATM. That’s when my luck started to change. The coordinator emailed back to ask if I wanted to ride with someone who had a car. I said I would. That saved me the fee for the ATM. Turns out the car was a limo. I got to the airport. It asked if I wanted an earlier flight for $0. How did they know that’s my price? 

Then, I needed lunch. I started walking through the airport, and lo and behold, they had a Potbelly sandwich shop. The flight was a little late to get going, but I got home just in time for Boop to be waking from her nap at daycare. Oh, and fast forward to a few minutes ago: it’s national pie month at Eat-n-Park; so all pieces of pie were on sale. 

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