Thursday, May 30, 2013

Little Snips. 5-30-13

Miss Boop has conked out, and I'm still watching Eat, Pray, Love. Makes me a little sad. Reminds me of all of the people that I have met all over the world that I don't know anymore. I've stashed them away, and they make their appearance from time to time as memories. Like Isaac, the shabby gentleman I met outside of Brussels. I was talking to some guy from California as I was catching the trains to the ferry in Oostend on my way to London. As we parted somewhere in Belgium, the guy from California and I said, "See ya later." Isaac was a bit incredulous, "What is this? See you later? You will never see each other again. I don't understand Americans."  

These kinds of connections are much easier. You can always imagine them just the way that you left them and that they are happy and healthy--unless they were people you didn't like, and then you can imagine that they are a little less happy ;) 

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