Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Wee-Wee. 5-11-13

I potty trained at 15 months. I was hopeful that Boop might manage it, too. But here we are, nearing 16 months, and we won’t make it. It’s not a huge deal. She’ll get it when she’s ready; we’re still early, yet. Of course, it would be easier not to change diapers. Boop nearly gives birth to a cow every time I try to change her, and I feel like one of those 4-H kids at the rodeo trying to rope a greased pig, the way she can maneuver out of my grasp. It would be cheaper, too. We have a great cloth diapering service and supplement with some disposables. Plus, there is the cost of the diaper covers that I have to wash myself. The daycare instituted a policy when Boop was about 5 months old that we had to have a clean cover for every diaper change. So, I’ve been trying to accumulate enough that I won’t have to do laundry every day. Even more problematic, it looks like our diaper service will be ending in June. Although our diaper fairy is trying to sell the business to focus on her family, she hasn’t found any takers.

Boop likes to climb on her potty, but that’s about the only use she has for it. She won’t sit on it for very long because there are toilet wands to be waved and damp showers to crawl in. However, I’ve seen some signs that she really needs to start trying. Obviously, seeing her strain to poo is an indicator that she needs to visit the potty, but she freezes up and gets upset when I move her there. But, today, I noticed that she knows when she has to pee. She had on just a cloth diaper without cover because she’s had a rash, and I was able to see things a bit better. One time, she moved away from me to pee on the bathroom floor—not sure how she got around the diaper. Another time, she hopped off of my lap to pee. And then, one time, while I was trying to cook, she climbed into the dishwasher and peed. I had about half of the dishes out (Optimist or pessimist? Was the dishwasher half empty or half full?); so the remaining dishes were toast—at least the dishes I put away were saved (balanced, I guess). So, there’s a chance that she might get the mechanics of it by June—or close enough that I can manage a bit.

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