Monday, January 27, 2014

A Little Curl. 1-27-14

Why am I thinking of this?

There was a little girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead!
And when she was good,
She was very, very good,
But when she was bad,
she was...

Getting there. 1-2-14

A thread came up on the Single Mothers by Choice forum about being a mother of, ahem, a certain age and having young children, wondering if they would still be around and active for any grandchildren. I think it was spurred on by some woman complaining about older women having babies on the Huffington Post. Honestly, at 40, I think I’m pretty close to the best physical condition of my life. However, I do worry what will happen to Boop if anything happens to me. My dad was battling terminal cancer at my age. My mom isn’t in great physical shape, but she tries. So, living to see grandchildren would be great. I’m just hoping that I can get Boop solidly into adulthood

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Snow. 1-26-14

Here's what we've been dealing with, back at the ranch:

Can barely get the door open!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Turkey, Stump, and Woodland Creatures. 1-1-14

I wonder what the new year holds. I’m piddling, going through some videos. Boop has her DVD of the Wiggles playing and is simultaneously playing her Wiggles guitar (Lights of New York + Fruit Salad (Wiggles) + Over in the Meadow (Wiggles) = nutty Kim). Boop loves Fruit Salad, but Paul looks unhealthy in the video--makes me a little sad every time I watch. Hm. Divebomber seems so pleasantly familiar. Such a sweetie. ENTJ? Maybe my cheap butt will break down and buy the album. But this little squirrel is storing away acorns for winter. I haven’t bought any albums in a long while.
Strapped to me is about the only way she'll be still.
I was just reading a bit about wild goose chases. I’ve been on a few. Interesting note about wild goose chases: it’s not really about hunting, like I thought. It’s a form of a 16th century horse race where all the other horses chase after a crazy lead horse. That’s about as far as I got in the explanation. It helps if you know which wild goose you’re supposed to be chasing, and I haven’t been really sure. I wonder if there is ever a winner in such a race or how you can tell. Do the other horses ever catch up to the lead horse? I have no idea how that’s done. I bet it’s pretty amusing to watch, but it’s not fun to be one of the horses on the chase. Boop is a bit of a crazy horse, herself, and if I don’t run interference, she might tear the house down. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Rolling in the New Year. 1-1-14

New Year’s Eve. I got up early, checked my Year End Report, and realized a whole section was missing. So, when Boop got up, we went straight over to my office. Thank goodness for the Wiggles. It kept her still long enough to get the last few entries.  However, the Wiggles can’t cure all of my ills. In spite of us being out in the morning and going out to dinner with a friend, she managed to:

1. Dump out a whole bottle of Baby Wash in the closet, as I was looking for clothes. I’m still holding my breath that it didn’t ruin my cute little, cloth-covered stool.
2. Flush a third of a roll of toilet paper down the toilet in one big mass. Thankfully, it wasn’t in the commode that continually gets clogged. I’ve already had to pull that toilet and plunge it multiple times.
3. Pee on the floor. She wants to run around naked, or at least without a diaper. No fun to attempt to get out of the carpet. Fortunately, I keep Winnie’s Nature’s Miracle on hand.
4. Take the top off the humidifier, leaving it on just enough to leak water all over the night stand. My phone and remote were laying in a puddle of water but are still functional, thank goodness.
5. She crumbled the bag of Life cereal, and then she dumped half of it in the floor before I could grab the bag out of her hand.

She didn’t take her nap until about 5pm; so it was a long, feisty day. Today, I got her down a little earlier. I’m trying to figure out what on earth she’s done to the TV this time. I finally have gotten a picture, at least, but it is very, very distorted. Oh, and this morning, we had our first Code Yellow at Target. Boop hid somewhere and nearly gave her momma a heart attack! Thankfully, it was early in the morning, few people were there, and she was quickly found. But, mercy sakes, I wanted to spank her! The worst part is that after the code, she came running to me along with a salesperson, hopping and giggling. ROTTEN!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Year End Report. 12-29-13

I’ve been up since before 4am working on my Year End Report. Sort of. I add something to the report. Then piddle. Go back to the report. Piddle some more. You get the idea. I’ve been trying to work on it for a few days, but Boop either wants to help me type or play Wii. We’ve been doing a fair bit of Wii Fit, and after logging in the 3rd or 4th time yesterday, it started giving me messages that I shouldn’t push myself too hard and overdo it. Admittedly, I was feeling a tad guilty about polishing off a container of pfeffernusse with Boop’s help. However, Boop was also quite insistent that I Wii—pulling out the disks and carrying the controllers around.

This morning I need something stronger than pfeffernusse to get going on this report. I know it’s Sunday, but about the only thing I can think of to make this report more palatable is booze. I do have some Christmas cherry stollen, but that’s not enough to cope with the task at hand.

It’s no fun rehearsing the year in light of the negative feedback I’ve received. You’d think I’d be used to it by now. Also, the documentation required is insane. I’ve never seen anything like it. My friends also pointed out that we aren’t going to get raises this year; so why even bother? I’ll look at the final print out and think: 1. I spent this much time on a document when I could’ve actually been getting other work done, and 2. In the grand scheme of my life, why did this year matter? If I had a big fat grant, I wonder if I'd care :)
Last Year. She's really growing up.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year. 1-1-14

'May your luck ever spread
Like jelly on bread!'

Wishing you a wonderful New Year!