Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Taking Stock at Boop's Week 58. 3-4-13

Here's what's happening at Boop's Week 58 (or the best I can remember):

  • I put my finger to my mouth to quietly give Mom the idea that she needed to stop talking; then I pointed over to Boop. Boop had her back to us. She was walking around her turtle trying to figure out how to get on, and I was pretty sure she was going to do it. She hiked up her leg and hopped on. And if that wasn't enough, she put her hand to her mouth and blew a kiss! Not to us, because she couldn't see us watching, but to the world, just to practice, just because she could. We nearly split our sides and were gushing with praise. Boop is such a little card. She had never done either one before.
  • And then the big news for Winnie. We had to make a trip to the doggie ER. More on that later.
  • I managed the first trip overnight away from my little Boop. I was hoping to get lots of rest, but I forgot my breast pump and was pretty miserable. The review went fine though.

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