Thursday, September 5, 2013

Budding Artist. 9-3-13‏

Groan. Painting the decks has been a big job for me, especially trying to manage Boop at the same time. I had helpers come to work the weekend before last, but they didn't get things finished as quickly as I had hoped. Part of the challenge is painting the railing and spindles in white and the base in gray, requiring a lot of cutting in. Another challenge is that people don't take me as seriously as they probably should. Sometimes I know what I'm talking about ;)
I've been trying to do a little this past week as time permitted. Of course, I've had my trusty sidekick along as I worked on the railing. She was determined to help. Have a look at some of her artistry. 

It was supposed to rain last weekend, and when I realized the weather would be fine for painting, I couldn't reach my helpers. So, Mom watched Boop as I painted. I got a fair bit accomplished--one deck is almost finished. I'm hoping that the guys will be able to come by one night this week to help me finish up. The boards are in such bad shape, that if I don't get it finished soon, I may not have a deck to bother about. 

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