Sunday, November 3, 2013

Taking Stock at Boops Month 21. 11-3-13

Here’s what happened when Boop turned 21 months a few weeks ago:

The girl loves her sweet tea. This led to one very long night. Caffeine is OUT!

A pumpkin from my cousin's farm

  • ·         Boop loves to sing and dance. She looks a bit like she’s doing the merengue when she’s dancing around. One of the daycare workers said that Boop would be happy to have the music playing all day so she could dance. We are able to recognize more and more of her songs. She’s started to sing the ABC’s. She would watch the ‘Wiggus’ (Wiggles) all the time if she could. She also will say 'kaykoo' (thank you) pretty regularly.
  • ·         Winnie has been on antibiotics, and she looks like she’s feeling so much better. She still scratches and picks a lot. In the back of my mind, I worry about her kidneys, but she seems to be feeling pretty good. Her eyesight is definitely getting worse.
  • ·         My Invisalign leaves me in a fair bit of pain. I have about 2 more months for my bottom teeth. The top teeth are another story.
  • ·         I seem to be picking up a lot of the ailments that Boop has been getting. This month has kept me busy with trying to get Boop well. I was out for a week with her high fevers. No UTI, thank goodness. She had her 1st febrile seizure, which didn’t freak me out too much, I guess. I used to have them as a baby; so I knew exactly what was happening with Boop. I was relieved that the ER folks didn’t feel any neurological work-up was needed. Thank goodness my friend G was there to sit was there for a while.

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