Saturday, January 26, 2013

Taking Stock at Boop's Week 53. 1-26-13

Here's what's happening at Boop's week 53:

Yum, vegetable soup. There's no time to wait for a spoon!
  • A little late again. I had Boop at home for the long weekend, and I never get as much done as I would like. Teaching is keeping me busy, along with an extra helping of departmental/school service (meeting, after meeting, after meeting) and then my main job, research, which seems to fall by the wayside.
  • Boop keeps getting into more and more stuff. I was trying to take care of the groceries when I lost track of Boop. She was almost at the top of the stairs. Apparently, Boop can climb stairs. These aren't the pleasant sorts of developmental milestones that one wants to discover, especially when they are totally unexpected and have such a potential for danger.
  • I guess Boop is officially a toddler. She can throw a fine hissy fit. Her favorite is throwing her head back. She clocked me a good one last week, throwing her head into my mouth. Fortunately for her, she caught my lip. Unfortunately for me, my lip got nice and bruised from my teeth. I try to ignore her little fits, but it's not easy. Trying to get a diaper on her is like wrestling a wiggly bear.
  • We're trying to introduce more and more solids. If she could live on Cheerios, she would be happy. She likes her carbs. We're working on more foods with texture. She can eat some things all by herself, which gives me a little break.

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