Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Taking Stock at Boop’s Week 50. 1-2-13

Here’s what’s happening at Boop’s 50th week:

Boop on her new sled
  • Seems like there should be something special for 50 weeks, but that will happen a little past 52 weeks, I guess.
  • Boop has a couple of new favorite words, and they sound just like they were uttered by her momma. One is “Mom” in an almost staccato. When I heard her say it the first time, I thought, gee, that sounds familiar. Then, as I was talking to Mom and trying to figure out if our cell phones had lost connection, I said, “Mom?” That was it: apparently, I check to see if Mom is on the line so much that Boop was able to nail it. The other thing that she says, is an incredulous “WOW!” It sounds just like the Wow I use in response to something that is a cross between ‘that is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard!’ and ‘I love it!’.
  • Winnie hasn’t peed in the house in 2 days—that I’ve seen. It’s a miracle, but it’s been a fair bit of work for me. We had a blow out a couple of days ago when I lost it a bit with her. She had just peed in the floor after I asked her to go out, and she was snapping at me. I’m still coming home at lunch every day to make sure she goes out.
  • And me, I had forgotten about grant reviews that are due tomorrow. I’m hopeful that I can get Boop settled in early enough that I can get another one done tonight. I’m gearing up for some long work times ahead. More details on that later. Classes start soon. Wait, did I have a break for Christmas and New Year’s? If I could just get over this sinus thing!

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