Friday, January 4, 2013

Transitions. 12-30-12

What’s so magical about 12 months old? Somehow a child is just supposed to magically change. Change from 2 naps to 1, from baby food to solids, from breast milk to cow’s milk, from one class to a new one, from free play to structure, from crawling to walking, from crib to cot, from bottles to sippy cups, from being fed to using spoons, and those are just the transitions I know about. So far, Boop’s life has been full of changes, but these seem so much more drastic.

Of course, all of these transitions are layered on my own, mainly changes in work. A new person starting, teaching a new group of students, a type of student that I haven’t taught before. I’m trying to get us all ready, but it’s a lot of changes. Boop likes to try my food, but she’s still choking from time to time. It amazed me that she didn’t flinch when I offered her a taste of jalapeno and came back for more!

We need to start working on spoons, maybe tomorrow. She’d much rather eat with her fingers, though. And when she does, she stuffs her whole hand in her mouth to get the food. Somehow, in spite of her precautions, the food only has a 50% chance of making it in. The sippy cup transition isn’t too bad. She seems to drink from it okay. In spite of all of the difficulties with the changes, one thing I look forward to is that daycare gets a tad cheaper, and it will be less expensive to feed her.

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