Sunday, November 11, 2012

Halloween-ish. 11-2-12

Hurricane Sandy resulted in Halloween cancellations; although it wasn't that awful outside. Rain is rain, and it's unavoidable in October. Plus, it's on the cold side. Colder than usual, but it shouldn't be unexpected. So the cancellations surprised me a bit. I was beat on Halloween night. Morning meeting, late class, upset Boop. It wound up pretty similar for Thursday, the new night for Trick-or-Treating, with us rushing around. Boop was unhappy, but I was determined that she would get to go trick-or-treating.

I stuck her Tigger outfit on her, as that would allow for layering underneath. She looked a bit like the little boy in the Christmas Story, all bundled up and barely able to move. I decided I would carry her around the block and leave Winnie behind. I was hoping that we could make a quick trip around and get back in time to hand out candy. We met several of our neighbors, a few people that recently moved in to the neighborhood. Only a couple really knew us; so we heard a few, 'What a cute little boy!'s. I just smiled. Not worth correcting them at this point. I met a little lamb, with a ferocious baaa! I feel some kindred to him as Boop now owns a few of his clothes and toys after a yard sale this past summer. At the age of about 3, he kept putting candy in Boop's trick-or-treat bowl. It's nice to know that my neighbors give good candy and aren't skimpy. That must explain why we seem to import so many people into our neighborhood for trick-or-treating. 

I was prepared this year for the trick-or-treaters, and Winnie was totally at her element. I think I had about 200 pieces of candy. I gave most kids 2-3 pieces. We only gave out candy for about an hour, and we went through about half of the stash--so what is that, about 30-50 kids? The remaining candy will be distributed to my students; although Mom has asserted her claims to the mini chocolate bars. The little bit of candy that Boop collected will also be given to the students, as I explained to folks as we were trick-or-treating. I didn't want them to think I was being too greedy. What I didn't mention was the age of my students ;) So next year, Boop will be more prepared for Halloween and get to reap more of the benefits!

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