Friday, November 16, 2012

Hold the Phone. 11-11-12

Of all of the toys that Boop has, and she has a lot, there are 3 things that she can’t get enough of: my netbook, the TV remote control, and my cell phone. That’s a little sad, but she’s a different generation. She’ll be starting on computers at a much younger age. She already has play laptops, but she doesn’t realize they are supposed to be like mine but more fun. The remote is even better than the laptop. I caught her the other day, sitting on the futon, pointing the remote at the TV and mashing down the channel change button. She already knows. I thought she would be scared of it after she accidentally maxed out the volume one day, which left her shrieking for me. But it didn’t faze her. She still grabs for it.
Little Cindy Lou Who?? Or one of the Whos in Whoville...
Her favorite is the cell phone. It’s a flip-phone, and it’s just the right flatness to fit well in her mouth for teething. I have to keep wiping it down to try to cut down on some of the germs. Every time I pick it up, it’s dripping with her drool. She especially loves it when there’s sound coming out of it, like Grandma’s voice. It’s irresistible to her, and she has just started to figure out that she needs to talk into it. It’s all fun and games until it winds up getting closed, SNAP. Then, I have to call Mom back. Mom’s gotten used to it by now. 

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