Thursday, November 15, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop’s Week 43. 11-15-12

Here’s what’s happening at Boop’s week 43:
  • Well, Winnie made it through surgery. So glad it’s over, now I just need to try to keep her straight. She does not want to be still. She couldn’t sleep or rest; so I took her cone off her head. I’m trying to keep her from picking at her stitches. And she’s wanting to jump up on everything in spite of her surgery. It’s hard to keep her still.
  • Boop is almost 10 months old! I can’t believe it. She is rambunctious, but thankfully, she isn’t falling quite as much. She gets where she wants to go for the most part, but that doesn’t keep her from wanting me to carry her everywhere. She is just chock full of separation anxiety, or maybe she’s a bit spoiled, or maybe it’s a little of both.
  • I couldn’t find a babysitter for the concert I wanted to see. It was pretty low key (and low decibel). So, I decided to go ahead and take her with me. She loves to hear me sing; so I figured it was worth a shot. For the most part, she did great. She conked out during the second show. Admittedly, I was more tuned into Boop than to the concert, but it was good. 

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