Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Few Thoughts. 12-16-12

I guess everyone is weighing in on the shootings in CT; so I might as well. It’s amazing these things keep happening, and no one is doing anything meaningful to prevent it. As far as the deaths of innocent children, it really isn’t sinking in. Maybe I’m trying to distance myself from the events because I have to leave my daughter at daycare, and it won’t be long before she’s starting school.

I never thought much about having guns until one of the guys during my study abroad in London was marveling about the types of guns Americans are allowed to have and the ease of procuring one. That was long before these crazies started taking these attack weapons to school and mowing down innocent people. My Paw-Paw had some nice rifles and pistols, but they required skill to use. He lived in the country <rural area>, and life was different there. Several of my uncles/cousins hunt and have farms. If they owned the weapons that were used against those children, I would recommend they have their heads examined.

I hear a lot of kick back from people about the Bill of Rights and our constitutional right to bear arms, but I don’t think the forefathers ever imagined the situation we’re in with the types of guns that are available and the ease of obtaining them. And I also hear people ardently defend people that hunt. Well, I’m sorry. If you need a rifle that can rapidly fire 30 rounds without reloading to shoot a deer, you SUCK as a hunter. You might as well give up.  

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