Saturday, December 15, 2012

Ginger Girl. 12-15-12

I am sure I visibly flinched. Apparently, her infant class has done it for a few years now. One of Boop's teachers sent us home with a poster board cut-out of a gingerbread boy. We were supposed to decorate it and write a Christmas tradition on it. First thought: when am I going to have time for this? Second thought: she's not even a year old; we don't have Christmas traditions, yet. Nonetheless, this is what I came up with:

"We have Christmaspalooza, going from house to house, doing this and that. The things we enjoy the most involve being around family. Christmas at my dad’s aunt D’s was always a highlight. She had a present for everyone; although there might be 70+ folks that night. After we gorged ourselves, it was time to open packages. D would assume her spot on her little stool by the tree and begin handing out the packages in order by age, the youngest first. D is over 90 now, and each Christmas we have with her is a gift. I hope Boop will have the opportunity to sit in eager anticipation at Aunt D’s feet for many years to come."   

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