Friday, December 28, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop's Week 49. 12-28-12

Here's what's happening at Boop's week 49:
  • I didn't forget last week. It's still on my laptop. My laptop is at my mom's. My mom lives 7 hours away. So, I will wait to post week 48 when I get it.
  • The big news is that Boop took her first steps a few days ago. And like most working parents, I didn't see it happen. The moronic thing is that I was right there when she did it, but I was working on something else and didn't look up in time. She took 3 steps. Grandma made her mad, and she did it out of spite. It scared Boop when she realized that she was walking unsupported and proceeded to flop down and cry for momma.
  • Other big news: Boop has tooth number 3. It's a top one, and the one right next to it is close behind. And she's eating just about everything in sight. Of all things, she likes hummus on bread, and the fact that it was spinach artichoke dip was just fine, too. She scares me because she gets choked. She still isn't able to chew very well. Her favorite words now are ma-ma-ma-ma-ma and num-num-num (like yum-yum, meaning I want food). 
  • Winnie still has a UTI in spite of antibiotics and changing food. She still is having accidents in the house, and she still is getting me up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I took her to my aunt D's vet when we were in town, and she tried to help us.
  • And me. Is it okay to admit that being at work is more restful than being at home? There are so few people around at the office to disturb me, especially with most students being away. Boop is a very busy girl, and I guess it is helping me stay in better shape. However, between the baby and the dog, I just don't feel like I get a chance to rest. I know this will not improve in the immediate future, as Boop will be walking soon.

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