Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop’s Week 47. 12-12-12

Here’s what’s happening at Boop’s week 47:

  • Winnie seems to have another UTI. I took her to the vet on Saturday just for a urine dipstick. Ended up having to pay another $82! Those are some expensive kidneys on Miss Winnie. They should be gilded in gold by now.
  • I’m within 3 pounds of my pre-pregnancy weight from my physical. I’m less than the weight right before I got pregnant.  I think losing 5 lbs would be great, just need time to do proper exercise; although chasing after a toddler is pretty good exercise. It still freaks me out to have that skin kind of hang there when I lay on my side; looks like crunches are in my future.
  • Heard a great quote, from some French guy writer, no less: “I spent the morning putting a comma in, and I spent the afternoon taking it out.” That pretty much describes how I feel about my work.
  • Boop was trying to offer Winnie some of her teething cookies, and Winnie was happy to oblige. Had to put the kibosh on that and keep an eye on things in the future. Boop has not been eating or nursing very well lately. I just need to get her back on track. Thankfully, we seem to have gotten over it.
  • This last grant was a bear. We’re just starting to recover. We had a naked tree for a couple of weeks. At least I got the lights on last night. Maybe I’ll be able to get more soon. 

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