Sunday, September 30, 2012

Toothy! 9-30-12

It's finally here! I just saw it this morning. Boop's first tooth. It's on the bottom on the left. I tried to get a photo. Humor me and pretend like you can see it ;) It's just a little white jagged bump in her gum. No doubt it will be out for all to see very soon.

Boop is sleeping in these photos. My previous attempts while she was awake were even less successful.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Wednesdays. 9-22-12

Body in a class next to mine...

Wednesdays are my long days. I hate it for Boop. Her main teacher leaves before 4pm, and her secondary teacher leaves at 5pm. So, she's put in with several little ones that she doesn't know and teachers she doesn't know. 

And after the craziness of hospital and travel, this was going to be my first full class that I would teach for the course. Fortunately, it went fine. There's always a little nervousness with teaching, and this is my first discussion class. I think back about my profs, and it feels a bit surreal. Do I really know enough to manage off-the-cuff? My memory didn't come back to me as quick as I would have liked a few times, but I recovered well enough.

It's a race to get her after class. When we get home, I try to get at least 1 thing accomplished: dishwashing or laundry. And after being away, there was plenty of both. If I try to do too much, Boop gets very upset. I try not to antagonize her.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Taking Stock at Week 36. 9-27-12

Here's what's happening at Boop's week 36:

  • Goodness gracious, won't those teeth come in already! I can feel one of her lower ones really well. And I know it has to be bothering her. It will be a totally new thing to try and nurse with a tooth, hopefully not a painful one.
  • Speaking of nursing, I can't believe we've made it this long. I'm amazed I'm still functional with her wanting to nurse all night long. And I'm trying to chill after all of the stuff going on with feeding in daycare last week.
  • Winnie is in need of a haircut and probably a check up. She went to the vet last month, and everything seemed fine. In the back of my mind, I'm wondering if she is having kidney problems with her mounting number of accidents. Winnie isn't as young as she used to be. 
  • Work is still piling up. I'm always ambivalent about hiring a babysitter so I can get more work done. It's fine to have help with the house, but I worry that I'm not spending enough time with Boop if I get a babysitter through the week. Maybe I need to start trying to come in for a few hours on the weekends. I've done it a few times, but maybe it needs to become more frequent.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

So Behind. 9-21-12

I've gotten so behind on posting. I've just been swamped. The week I got home, goodness, that's been nearly two weeks ago. I was fumbling to catch up. Two classes, even though one is a seminar, is pretty intense. I just found out I've been assigned to 3 service committees on top of everything else, and of course, I'm on a few other service committees too. That doesn't include grants and projects. Anyway, let me backtrack a bit. 
Boop picked ninja leg warmers to wear!

Monday (9-10-12) was a tough day to get going. Boop and I were both exhausted. Thank goodness I only had Seminar scheduled. Of course, I had a million other things on the agenda. Even though I'm not formally teaching, I still have to be on guard in case things go awry. And my preparation turned out to be a good idea for that seminar. My class of objectivists were trying to learn constructionism and subjectivism. It was all about epistemologies, which of course, is right up my alley. What is reality? And how do we go about knowing things? I'm not the best at epistemologies, but I guess I can hold my own. Our presenters were having a bit of trouble. I saw the confusion on everyone's faces, but I was hesitant to interrupt. Fortunately, my colleague jumped in to express her confusion. That was my opening, and I tried a few explanations. Then, I saw a flicker of recognition on the students faces. Thank goodness!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Resemblance? 9-23-12

Compare and contrast with photo below: Same hair,
similar glasses, same expression, similar pose.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Road Warriors. 9-16-12‏

It was the day I dreaded. The trip back with Boop. Mom started us out in the morning. We stopped to see my aunt at the nursing home on the way. Winnie was so excited, and Boop did fairly well. S was glad we stopped by. She had lost some weight, which will be better for her diabetes.
Getting spoiled by Aunt D
Boop reminds me of Elton John in this photo
Next stop was Aunt D's for lunch. I was thinking Mediterranean or Mexican. We wound up at a regional sandwich shop, kinda like Panera. Then, we stopped at Wally world so I could get a few things for the trip. It was just long enough for Aunt D to find Boop a toy. Anything to distract her on the trip, I thought.

G was running a little late, which gave us longer to visit. We packed up G's car and headed back home. Boop had a rough time of it. About 2 hours from home she started getting really fussy. I tried to feed her, sang and sang, but in the end, we had to stop about an hour from home. Boop was hysterical, bless her heart. We finally made it home, and we were all worn out. These trips are so difficult. We may just have to fly for the holidays. G is such a good sport!

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Finale. 9-16-12‏

I had been craving good chicken every since I was pregnant. Well, I was craving one particular place. And so, I was determined to go this trip. And so Mom, Boop and I headed out for the meal at lunch. So yummy. I got country ham AND fried chicken. I requested white meat. So, out comes the plate with 2 big chicken breasts and country ham. Only in the South! And Boop munched away happily on her baby food and cereal, not knowing what she was missing. Well, it will all happen soon enough. She'll learn how to dig into a piece of chicken when it's her time, I guess. I'm amazed her grandma hasn't given her mashed potatoes. I've already given permission--as long as it isn't made with regular milk.

So, after our yummy lunch, we stopped to try to find me some clothes. I didn't have very good luck. I can only find clothes when I'm not looking for them, which makes shopping these days very difficult. When I go out, I don't have time to lull around. We then tried to exchange the outfit from my cousins for a bigger size, but they didn't have any. I just got her another little outfit instead.

That evening, we had no idea what to expect. Mom had told folks to come to a local barbecue place for dinner if they wanted to see the baby. At first, we thought it would be just a few folks, but it wound up being nearly 20. We had a nice time, and the baby was in a fairly good mood, thank goodness. When she got a little fussy, I did take her out to nurse a bit, which helped her to get back on track. Folks seemed happy to see her. They all said she was cute, which I guess you have to say, but it was nice to hear. With that, we got Boop home and to bed.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop’s Week 35. 9-19-12

Here’s what’s happening at Boop’s Week 35:
  • Boop just turned 8 months old. My big girl :) She’s a little chatterbox. She’s going to be a riot when she learns proper words. I already hear her making little jokes, which she thinks are very funny. I’m loving that she’s feeling good. She was sleeping on my lap on Sunday; all of the sudden she cracked up laughing in her sleep.
  • We got a good report during our last visit to the doctor. The pediatrician looked at the records and is convinced that she had a UTI in the hospital. I told the doctor that she’s been doing well; so we figured that it didn’t make sense to do a catheterization to check for a UTI.
  • The big news is that Boop is standing up. She’s actually been standing pretty well since last week. She’s been trying to cruise a little bit. She went from one knee to the other, but she fell when she reached over for the rolling cart. Fortunately, it’s plastic; so it didn’t hurt her too much. She’s even trying to stand up.
  • I’m trying to teach Boop to not hit or pinch Winnie. Winnie generally doesn’t stay around long enough for Boop to touch her.  While Winnie was laying on the futon, I helped Boop pat Winnie, and Boop thought it was hilarious, the best thing since sliced bread.
  • Daycare is giving me stress again. Other than that, I’m managing alright. Boop is getting a tad more independent; so I was able to make pancakes the other day for dinner. My skin is flaring up again, which is no fun. I have a script for some topical stuff, but I’m not very excited about using it. At least it’s not very serious. I’m finding time to visit with friends, which is good for my sanity.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Do Not Today, What Can Be Put Off 'Til the 'Morrow. 9-16-12‏

 We got up and got ready to take Mom to work. Why did I put off the grant review? They always seem so straightforward. I confuse straightforward with the amount of time it takes to do the deed. So, we got Mom to work, and I started reviewing the grants. I had already taken some time before my trip to familiarize myself with things and print things off <I'm such a dinosaur. I still like to look to hold the paper in my hands to read!> 

And so I had a million little interruptions. Winnie did surprisingly well. Boop, not so much. And Mom hadn't had a chance to baby-proof; so my concentration wasn't spectacular on the task. I got the important ones done about an hour before the deadline, and I was a couple of minutes late submitting the last review. All was okay. With that, I made a hasty retreat to visit my friend, C, without knowing exactly where I was going. Of course, I got lost and was late. It was good seeing her. She works for Congressman Yarmuth. <Now is a good time to put in a little plug for him. Did you know that Yarmuth donates his entire salary of ~$179,000 to charity? He divides it among 5 charities, including children's charities.> 

I then went on to pick up Mom from work. We tried to wrap up a few errands on the way home, but Boop was getting increasingly fussy. We probably just should have taken Boop on home to bed and one of us do errands. It was a battle to get her settled in when we got home because she was overtired. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Thai Time. 9-13-12

Taken at my house before the trip.
Motivation to crawl? Telephone and Remote

After having a bit of a visit at my dad's aunt D's, <Did I mention that she's in her 90's? She's in her 90's. She does so well to be in her 90's.> I went back to the house to get ready to go pick up Mom at work. I had gotten duck sauce all over Boop, and had to find a new outfit for her. I have put Mom in charge of selecting outfits; so I wondered what she would think of what I picked out. Fortunately, Mom wasn't too upset with Boop's outfit, and we headed to meet my dad's cousin S and his wife S for dinner. They had picked Thai, which I had hoped wouldn't be too spicy for Boop.

S and S hadn't really seen Boop before and were excited to see her. S had a present of a Nuby teether and a little outfit. She said she didn't know what size to get and hoped 6-9 months would be okay. I couldn't help but smile. Then, Mom and I looked at each other. 'Well, she's a little bigger than that.' She asked her size, and I explained that she was in 12 months, if not bigger. I explained that I would just exchange it for a bigger size. We all had a little chuckle at my big girl.
While Mom and I finished eating, S carried Boop around a little bit. The whole time he carried her, she was as quiet as a church mouse, taking it all in. He wanted to find her something special to eat--some frozen yogurt or something, but I don't think he realized her age in relation to her size. He also mentioned that it had been a while since he had a little one. <Their son, my cousin J is a couple of years older than me, and his kids are teens, I think. K was just having a birthday.> So, Boop enjoyed her baby food instead; maybe next time :). 

We had a nice visit; it was good to see them again. When we got home, Boop was totally wired. Not sure if it was the spice from the masamun curry in my milk, but she was bopping around, full of energy. It took us a while to get her calmed down for the night.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Parade of Boop. 9-13-12‏

Taken at my house before the trip...

So, we got up early on Thursday after our long day of traveling on Wednesday. Mom's other car was still in the shop; so I had to take her to work. Mom got a bit of a late start... and asked me to change clothes before we left. That's all I will write about that. 

Mom wanted to take Miss Boop to work for all of Mom's co-workers to see. Proud Grandma, her co-workers were probably expecting the child to virtually walk on water. And so Mom paraded my little chickadee along the isles of the folks at their desks and enjoyed their compliments. I walked behind exchanging nods and smiles in my demure black dress. Boop was enjoying the mobiles hanging from the ceiling. We went through her list of everyone that she wanted to see Boop, and then Boop and I headed back to the other side of town. Fortunately, I got ahold of my dad's aunt D, and Boop and I went by her house to get her for lunch. She just couldn't believe how big (and cute) Boop was, and then we went to try to pick up my dad's cousin R (D's daughter). Unfortunately, R couldn't get off work for lunch; so we visited a bit and headed to lunch. 

Boop was all over the place at the Chinese restaurant. She had a table of admirers, which was nice, but she was a handful. Afterwards, we headed over to D's, and I called my friend S over to visit us there. R stopped by after work. I hated leaving Winnie alone for so long, but I knew if I was at Mom's house, Winnie would want to go out every 5 minutes, and I would have to take her out to walk her while juggling the baby. So, it worked out extra well for us to stay at D's and visit. It also took some pressure off of me to look after Boop. I had a few willing helpers :)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Visiting. 9-12-12

Pussycat, pussycat, where have you been?
I've been to London to visit the Queen.

Well, not exactly. We just got back from a visit back home--7 hours driving each way. Fortunately, I didn't have to drive. Most folks on Dad's side of the family hadn't seen the baby. So, at nearly 8 months, I figured it was time. My friend G was going most of the way (to where my mom's family lived), and Mom took us the remaining 1.5 hours home. It was a long way, and I managed to sing to distract her, which worked pretty well. I hate those rear-facing car seats. They're so hard on little ones. The AAP recommends rear-facing until age 2. It gets a little harder to be a parent every year. More and more regulations and guidelines. It's safer for babies, but it's not as happy to be a baby, I don't think. Fortunately, there has been a backlash on co-sleeping and in-bed sleeping. Research seems to indicate that it can be beneficial if done safely.

We got to my aunt's house about 7:30pm, and got to have a little visit. Winnie was thrilled; she lives for these trips. Boop learned something new from my aunt. I had taught her how to wrinkle up her nose when she smiled, but oh, now she has a stink face! Wrinkled nose + disgusted expression. 

It was about 10pm by the time we got to Mom's. Fortunately, Boop slept a bit on the road. And she was so exhausted that she did get some sleep that night.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop’s Week 34. 9-12-12

Here’s what’s happening at Boop’s Week 34:
  • We missed week 33 due to a trip to see family. Hopefully, I can get caught up—try to remember what’s been going on these past 2 weeks.
  • Boop is balancing on her legs. She’s getting so strong. I put her hands on the little table at daycare today, and she just stood there for a little while. I held my hands out in case she fell over, but she didn’t need them. She flopped down when her legs gave out, but it wasn’t too bad.
  • Winnie is getting a little less fearful of the baby, I think. Maybe it’s just that she wants my attention and is braving the baby to get to me. Either way, Boop loves seeing her puppy. A few weeks ago, I thought she said WeeWee, but I haven’t really heard it again. I sat looking at her a couple of days ago and said it over and over. She tried then, but it wasn’t as close as before.
  • Work is pretty intense. Some days I wonder how I will get it all done. It’s hard to do much when I get home. I hate leaving her at the daycare for very long. So, it gets a bit tricky.
  • Boop had a terrible diaper rash today, bless her heart. Bright red! And she was so upset when she came home and I changed her diaper. I let her go without a diaper for a little while today. They had two substitutes today. Both of her teachers were out :( Of course, this would be my late day.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I know it won’t be long. 9-2-12

My helper at work

It won’t be long until simply pushing the cell phone a few inches won’t be out of your reach.
It won’t be long until those shaky legs will be planted firmly in front of one another, and your world will become smaller.
It won’t be long until those fuzzy, tiny curled up hairs on the back of your head will become big curly locks to complement your crystal blue eyes.
It won’t be long until we’ll have to put away your pretty size 9 and 12 month summer dresses to trade them in for larger, warmer winter clothes.
It won’t be long until the song that only you know of Ayy-yay-ee-ay will become ‘E,I,E,I,O’s’ and ‘B*I*N*G*O’s’.
It won’t be long until we’ll see your first tooth, and you will be able to have your first Cheerios.
It won’t be long until you’ll stop pulling out handfuls of Mommy’s hair and be able to blow her kisses.
It won’t be long until you’ll be able to say Grandma’s name, figure out who she is, and use that to get everything that your mommy won’t let you have.
It won’t be long until you can tell mommy if you’re hurting and where, and she can stop wracking her brain to keep you from being in pain.
It won’t be long until you can figure out how to wrap me around that little finger that you use to hold mine, even more than you do now!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Getting Here. 8-31-12‏

I'm not as obsessive about the blog as I used to be. Some of that is due to me being at this for so long, but mostly it's because I don't have time. Boop's hands are all over the place; she likes to 'help' me type. Sometimes, she just does a full-on belly-flop onto my laptop. Or I'm just going about the general business of being a mommy. So, it's been challenging for me to get the blog posts out. Obviously, the hospital stay was a setback for a number of reasons.

This brings me to something that surprised me a bit. I did happen to check the stats of the blog recently. I'm always curious about Boop's viewership, and I totally did not expect to have so many viewers in Mexico and Russia :) There were many Hispanic/Latin viewers in South America, too. Maybe it was my post on Cielito Lindo and my botched translation. It's always fun to see who is looking at the blog. 

However, there was something that concerned me a bit, and I will share it with you. I looked at the 'referral' sites that sent folks to Boop's website. One was a pornographic website. I didn't stay long enough to figure out if there was a potential link to our little blog. Maybe it was just a coincidence or some problem with the site. Nonetheless, I hope that you will keep Boop and my safety in mind. Should there be anything untoward about us on the world wide web, I hope you will do us the favor of informing us. We haven't participated in such websites, nor do we wish to. I don't want to dwell on this too much, as I know the vast majority of folks are decent and reasonable. And clearly, much good has come to us through this little blog. So, I'll just assume it was a temporary glitch.

We're Ba-ack!

Boop, Winnie, and I went on a little whirlwind trip, but we're back and will post soon :)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day!

Boop wearing her frilly skirt, waiting for Mommy to get ready for work

Sunday, September 2, 2012

My Next Meal. 8-31-12

I got home from the hospital and thought, "What am I going to eat?" Fortunately, I still had a few things that hadn't spoiled while I was in the hospital. Plus, I have a freezer full of frozen dinners.

This is one definite thing I will miss about the hospital. When I arrived, they gave me a menu, and I could just call down to the kitchen and tell them what I wanted to eat. Because I was breastfeeding it was all free. It was such a relief not to have to worry about feeding myself while there. I definitely did not want to leave Boop there alone while I went to the cafeteria. She would have completely freaked out! And I would have had to ask them to take her ankle thing <kind of like baby LoJack> off to take her out of the Peds area. The food was pretty good. They used a lot of that special ingredient called Ididn'thavetocookit, that made everything especially flavorful.

Don't get me wrong, I like to cook, but it's really been a challenge. #1 Boop doesn't have the patience for me to cook and #2 The things I normally cook are not good for nursing <I miss Thai simmer sauces!>. I have a few stand-by dinners these days. I eat a lot of gnocchi and a lot of bread with Biscoff spread--no peanuts, no chocolate. I remind myself that this is but a short time, and Boop needs all of the advantages with all of those awful antibiotics. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

101, 103, 104. 8-26-12

It looks like another day in the hospital. I’m waiting for the Andy Griffith marathon on TVLand at 12:30pm and for a response to an email request for help watching Boop while I get my books for class tomorrow. If I don’t hear anything soon, I’ll go ahead and call someone. I’m doubting folks have checked email, yet.

It was a long night. I didn’t even try to put Boop in jail—er, the crib they have. We both slept in the little recliner. The fun started about 1am. They came in to check her vitals. Over 103 degrees. Tylenol. 101. Motrin. Finally below 100. Each time they were waking her and taking her temp rectally. Poor baby.  

So, we get a few hours of drug- induced fever-free periods.