Saturday, September 22, 2012

Road Warriors. 9-16-12‏

It was the day I dreaded. The trip back with Boop. Mom started us out in the morning. We stopped to see my aunt at the nursing home on the way. Winnie was so excited, and Boop did fairly well. S was glad we stopped by. She had lost some weight, which will be better for her diabetes.
Getting spoiled by Aunt D
Boop reminds me of Elton John in this photo
Next stop was Aunt D's for lunch. I was thinking Mediterranean or Mexican. We wound up at a regional sandwich shop, kinda like Panera. Then, we stopped at Wally world so I could get a few things for the trip. It was just long enough for Aunt D to find Boop a toy. Anything to distract her on the trip, I thought.

G was running a little late, which gave us longer to visit. We packed up G's car and headed back home. Boop had a rough time of it. About 2 hours from home she started getting really fussy. I tried to feed her, sang and sang, but in the end, we had to stop about an hour from home. Boop was hysterical, bless her heart. We finally made it home, and we were all worn out. These trips are so difficult. We may just have to fly for the holidays. G is such a good sport!

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