Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop’s Week 35. 9-19-12

Here’s what’s happening at Boop’s Week 35:
  • Boop just turned 8 months old. My big girl :) She’s a little chatterbox. She’s going to be a riot when she learns proper words. I already hear her making little jokes, which she thinks are very funny. I’m loving that she’s feeling good. She was sleeping on my lap on Sunday; all of the sudden she cracked up laughing in her sleep.
  • We got a good report during our last visit to the doctor. The pediatrician looked at the records and is convinced that she had a UTI in the hospital. I told the doctor that she’s been doing well; so we figured that it didn’t make sense to do a catheterization to check for a UTI.
  • The big news is that Boop is standing up. She’s actually been standing pretty well since last week. She’s been trying to cruise a little bit. She went from one knee to the other, but she fell when she reached over for the rolling cart. Fortunately, it’s plastic; so it didn’t hurt her too much. She’s even trying to stand up.
  • I’m trying to teach Boop to not hit or pinch Winnie. Winnie generally doesn’t stay around long enough for Boop to touch her.  While Winnie was laying on the futon, I helped Boop pat Winnie, and Boop thought it was hilarious, the best thing since sliced bread.
  • Daycare is giving me stress again. Other than that, I’m managing alright. Boop is getting a tad more independent; so I was able to make pancakes the other day for dinner. My skin is flaring up again, which is no fun. I have a script for some topical stuff, but I’m not very excited about using it. At least it’s not very serious. I’m finding time to visit with friends, which is good for my sanity.

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