Saturday, September 15, 2012

Visiting. 9-12-12

Pussycat, pussycat, where have you been?
I've been to London to visit the Queen.

Well, not exactly. We just got back from a visit back home--7 hours driving each way. Fortunately, I didn't have to drive. Most folks on Dad's side of the family hadn't seen the baby. So, at nearly 8 months, I figured it was time. My friend G was going most of the way (to where my mom's family lived), and Mom took us the remaining 1.5 hours home. It was a long way, and I managed to sing to distract her, which worked pretty well. I hate those rear-facing car seats. They're so hard on little ones. The AAP recommends rear-facing until age 2. It gets a little harder to be a parent every year. More and more regulations and guidelines. It's safer for babies, but it's not as happy to be a baby, I don't think. Fortunately, there has been a backlash on co-sleeping and in-bed sleeping. Research seems to indicate that it can be beneficial if done safely.

We got to my aunt's house about 7:30pm, and got to have a little visit. Winnie was thrilled; she lives for these trips. Boop learned something new from my aunt. I had taught her how to wrinkle up her nose when she smiled, but oh, now she has a stink face! Wrinkled nose + disgusted expression. 

It was about 10pm by the time we got to Mom's. Fortunately, Boop slept a bit on the road. And she was so exhausted that she did get some sleep that night.

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