Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Do Not Today, What Can Be Put Off 'Til the 'Morrow. 9-16-12‏

 We got up and got ready to take Mom to work. Why did I put off the grant review? They always seem so straightforward. I confuse straightforward with the amount of time it takes to do the deed. So, we got Mom to work, and I started reviewing the grants. I had already taken some time before my trip to familiarize myself with things and print things off <I'm such a dinosaur. I still like to look to hold the paper in my hands to read!> 

And so I had a million little interruptions. Winnie did surprisingly well. Boop, not so much. And Mom hadn't had a chance to baby-proof; so my concentration wasn't spectacular on the task. I got the important ones done about an hour before the deadline, and I was a couple of minutes late submitting the last review. All was okay. With that, I made a hasty retreat to visit my friend, C, without knowing exactly where I was going. Of course, I got lost and was late. It was good seeing her. She works for Congressman Yarmuth. <Now is a good time to put in a little plug for him. Did you know that Yarmuth donates his entire salary of ~$179,000 to charity? He divides it among 5 charities, including children's charities.> 

I then went on to pick up Mom from work. We tried to wrap up a few errands on the way home, but Boop was getting increasingly fussy. We probably just should have taken Boop on home to bed and one of us do errands. It was a battle to get her settled in when we got home because she was overtired. 


  1. You will have to get the "Frog & Toad" stories if you don't already have them. I got an extra copy of the set that includes the story "Tomorrow" & keep it in my bedroom bookshelf. It's a necessary (re)read for all of us procrastinators.

  2. Thanks, I'll keep an eye out for them. I used to always be on task. Then, I realized that if I kept working, I'd just have to start on something else. I need to find a happy balance!
