Monday, April 16, 2012

Baby in Pain. 4-5-12

Easter 2012

It’s worse than kicking myself. I just feel terrible. My little girl was in pain. For how long, I don’t know. She cried when we changed her diapers at the hospital. No one said anything then. Of course, we were trying to deal with the jaundice at that point, and well, all newborns cry. The folks that took care of her at daycare didn’t mention anything. I knew something was wrong when she started to anticipate when she would go to the bathroom. And then, she would wet her diaper pad on the changing table/bassinet. She had been wetting on us for a while. I was wondering about a UTI. So, I asked the pediatrician if it was possible for a little one to get a UTI. She confirmed that it was possible and asked if I wanted to test her.  I figured we had better, just to be on the safe side. So she had to do that awful catheter. She saw a few white blood cells but didn’t think it was a UTI. She sent the sample off for analysis anyway.

She explained that if it was a UTI, the recommendations used to be ultrasound + invasive test. Now, it’s just ultrasound. I hope everything is okay and that this is just a fluke. I explained that my Aunt D only had 1 kidney. Of course, with my genetic counseling training, I know of much worse things.

I didn’t know it, but the doctor called in a prescription for Boop for Amoxicillin. I am allergic. I’m feeling it when I’m nursing, and bless her heart, she wants to nurse a lot. I try to give her a bit of formula or pumped breast milk after giving her the antibiotic, but it doesn’t seem to be helping me too much. Another problem is that, even though the pediatrician suggested mixing the meds with formula, it really doesn’t mix well. Instead, it all ends up in the nipple of the bottle, and she can’t get it out—and it’s bitter. I’ve had to resort to pouring what’s left in her mouth.

So, today, I figured that it’s been almost 4 days. Boop had been up most of the night, and I was tired, sore, and on edge. The receptionist got lost in my message, and when the nurse returned my call, she started out by saying that just because I’m allergic, it doesn’t mean that Boop is?? And then she started to explain the symptoms of an allergic reaction---to me. Anyway, we got on the right track, and she said she would call with results. 

UTI, positive. Boop would have to stay on antibiotics, and we would need to go for the ultrasound. Hopefully, she’s getting what she needs to feel better soon.

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