Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Taking Stock at 11 Weeks Old. 4-4-12

Mom, here's a photo that isn't up her nose... Look how big she is!

Here’s what’s happening at 11 Weeks Old:

  • My poor baby’s tummy is upset from the antibiotics. I’m waiting to hear if Boop has a urinary tract infection. If so, the next step will be ultrasound to see if she has a renal problem. Fortunately, she’s sleeping a fair bit due to the antibiotics, but if those filled diapers feel as bad as they smell, bless her heart, she must not be feeling well at all! The coconut oil does seem to be reducing the redness, and it has helped a bit, I think.
  • Having Boop in daycare has given me a bit of a break, even if just for a half day at this point. I’m starting to get back on track mentally; although I do have my memory glitches. Mom will be here next week; it will be nice to have a bit more freedom and support.
  • Breastfeeding has been going better; although, I’m still not 100%. She’s having formula at daycare. Plus, I give her a bit of formula with her medicine. I’ve been pumping almost constantly at work, every spare minute I get. In the 4 hours, I’m almost able to pump 4 oz. Of course, she’s taking 8 oz of formula at daycare. Fortunately, I can still work while pumping. I’m hoping to store some up for when she starts to go full-time. 

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