Saturday, April 28, 2012

Teething. 4-21-12

Unhappy Little Boop Teething

Boop really started to teeth in the past week—at least we think. She woke up in the middle of the night from laying in the papasan chair of the swing, and I fell asleep feeding her again. I woke up with the area beside my shoulder soaked and tried to figure out where it came from.  Too high to be from her diaper, and it didn’t smell. Mom had thought she might be teething when we were in New Orleans.

I googled the next morning to see what the symptoms of teething are. One telling sign, swollen gums. And the bottom 2 seem to come in first. So, I tried to look at her gums; a bit tricky as she kept sticking out her tongue. What little I could tell, her gums were swollen on the bottom in front, even looked a little pinky/white. So, I think we’re there.

Unfortunately, Boop doesn’t understand how to hold anything, which makes it hard for her to manage. We found a teether that Aunt D just sent, washed it, and put it in the freezer. She liked the way it felt, but I could only hold it for her for so long. So, last night, I gave her a little baby Tylenol before bed, and she slept from about 9pm on and off until nearly 4am. That was the longest she’s ever slept. And so it is tonight, she was very fussy. She tried to chew on my finger some, but I wound up pacing the floor a bit. Finally, with some Tylenol, she calmed down. I just hate giving her so much Tylenol, though.

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